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- Benecke, Marcel
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- Dürr, Robert
- Enzberg, Sebastian von
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- Enzberg, Sebastian von
Sebastian von Enzberg
Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Interdisziplinäre Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz
- Grundlagen der Informatik und Programmierung
- Data Science und Maschinelles Lernen in industriellen Anwendungen
- Industrielle Bildverarbeitung und Optische Inspektion
Aktuelle Projekte
seit Nov 2023 | Professor für Künstliche Intelligenz und Technische Informatik, FB Ingenieurwesen und Industriedesign, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal |
2018 - 2023 | Gruppenleiter Produktionsmanagement, Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik IEM, Paderborn |
Dez 2018 | Promotion (Dr.-Ing.), Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg |
2016 - heute | Senior-Experte Industrial Data Science, Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik IEM, Paderborn |
2011-2016 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Lehrstuhl Neuro-Informationstechnik, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg |
2011 | Ingenieur Forschung & Entwicklung 3D-Messtechnik, INB Vision AG, Magdeburg |
2004 - 2010 | Diplomstudium (Dipl.-Ing.) Elektrotechnik, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg |
Jonathan Brock, Katharina Brennig, Bernd Löhr, Christian Bartelheimer, Sebastian von Enzberg, Roman Dumitrescu: “Improving Process Mining Maturity - From Intentions to Actions”. Business & Information Systems Engineering (2024)
Sebastian von Enzberg, Julian Weller, Pascal Pöhler, Arno Kühn, Michael Römer, Roman Dumitrescu: “Künstliche Intelligenz in der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung: Potentiale und Anwendungsreife”, ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 119(5), 2024.
Tim Heuwinkel, Silke Merkelbach, Nils Janssen, Sebastian von Enzberg, Roman Dumitrescu: “Leveraging Self-Supervised Learning for Vibration Data in Industrial Separators”. Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems ML4CPS (2024)
Silke Merkelbach, Alexander Diedrich, Sebastian von Enzberg, Oliver Niggemann, Roman Dumitrescu: “Towards the generation of models for fault diagnosis of CPS using VQA models”. Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems ML4CPS (2024)
Julian Weller, Nico Migenda, Rui Liu, Arthur Wegel, Sebastian von Enzberg, Martin Kohlhase, Wolfram Schenck, Roman Dumitrescu: “Towards a Systematic Approach for Prescriptive Analytics Use Cases in Smart Factories”. Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems ML4CPS (2023)
Lameya Afroze, Silke Merkelbach, Sebastian von Enzberg, Roman Dumitrescu: “Domain Knowledge Injection Guidance for Predictive Maintenance”. Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems ML4CPS (2023)
Jonas Lick, Felix Schreckenberg, Philipp Sahrhage, Benedict Wohlers, Susanne Klöcker, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “Integrating Domain Expertise and Artificial Intelligence for Effective Supply Chain Management Planning Tasks: A Collaborative Approach”. Artificial Intelligence, Social Computing and Wearable Technologies (2023)
Julian Weller, Daniel Roesmann, Sönke Eggert, Sebastian von Enzberg, Iris Gräßler, Roman Dumitrescu: “Identification and Prediction of Standard Times in Machining for Precision Steel Tubes through the Usage of Data Analytics”. Procedia CIRP (2023)
Jonathan Brock, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu:
“Process Mining Data Canvas: A Method to Identify Data and Process Knowledge for Data Collection and Preparation in Process Mining Projects”. Procedia CIRP (2023): 602-607
Jonathan Brock, Niclas Rempe, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu:
“A Framework for the Domain-Driven Utilization of Manufacturing Sensor Data in Process Mining: An Action Design Approach”. Conf. on Production Systems and Logistics CPSL (2023)
Jonathan Brock, Bernd Löhr, Katharina Brennig, Thilo Seger, Christian Bartelheimer, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu:
“A Process Mining Maturity Model: Enabling Organizations to Assess and Improve their Process Mining Activities”. European Conf. on Information Systems (2023)
Jonathan Brock, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu:
“Nutzung von Process Mining in RPA-Projekten”. In: Praxishandbuch Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022.
Melina Panzner, Sebastian von Enzberg, Maurice Meyer, Roman Dumitrescu:
“Characterization of Usage Data with the Help of Data Classifications”, Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2022): 1-22
Oscar Lázaro, Jesús Alonso, Philip Ohlsson, Bas Tijsma, Dominika Lekse, Bruno Volckaert, Sarah Kerkhove, Joachim Nielandt, Davide Masera, Gaetano Patrimia, Pietro Pittaro, Giuseppe Mulè, Edoardo Pellegrini, Daniel Köchling, Thanasis Naskos, Ifigeneia Metaxa, Salome Leßmann, Sebastian von Enzberg: “Next Generation Big Data Driven Factory 4.0 Operations and Optimisation: The Boost 4.0 Experience”. In: Technologies and Applications for Big Data Value, Springer Cham, 2022.
Silke Merkelbach, Lameya Afroze, Nils Janssen, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “Using Vibration Data to Classify Conditions in Disk Stack Separators”. Vibroengineering Procedia 46 (2022): 21-26
Silke Merkelbach, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu:
“Towards a Process Model to Enable Domain Experts to Become Citizen Data Scientists for Industrial Applications”. IEEE Int. Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (2022)
Melina Panzner, Maurice Meyer, Sebastian von Enzberg, Roman Dumitrescu:
“Business-to-Analytics Canvas: Translation of Product Planning-Related Business Use Cases into Concrete Data Analytics Tasks”, Procedia CIRP 109 (2022): 580-585
Jingye Yee, Cheng Yee Low, Natiara Mohamad Hashim, Fazah Akhtar Hanapiah, Wei Shien Soh, Noor Ayuni Che Zakaria, Mohammed Najeh Nemah, Laban Asmar, Martin Rabe, Sebastian von Enzberg, Roman Dumitrescu: “Data-Driven Model for Upper Limb Spasticity Detection”. International Journal of Integrated Engineering 13(4), 2021.
Mark Henkenjohann, Robert Joppen, Daniel Köchling, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “Identification and specification of standard modules in production for a material flow simulation", Procedia CIRP Conf. on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME), 2021
Sebastian von Enzberg, Thanasis Naskos, Iphigeneia Metaxa, Daniel Köchling, Arno Kühn:
“Implementation and Transfer of Predictive Analytics for Smart Maintenance: A Case Study”. Frontiers in Computer Science, 2, p.47, 2020.
Melina Massmann, Maurice Meyer, Maximilian Frank, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “Framework for Data Analytics in Data-driven Product Planning”. SysInt 2020.
Melina Massmann, Maurice Meyer, Maximilian Frank, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: "Method for data inventory and classification". Procedia CIRP 93 (2020): 234-239.
Jingye Yee, Cheng Yee Low, Ching Theng Koh, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arthur Wegel, Laban Asmar, Fazah Akhtar Hanapiah, Mohamad Hashim Natiara, Zakaria Che, Ayuni Noor: “Data Science Platform for Smart Diagnosis of Upper Limb Spasticity”. SysInt 2020.
Jingye Yee, Cheng Yee Low, P Ong, WS Soh, Fazah Akhtar Hanapiah, NC Zakaria, Sebastian von Enzberg, Laban Asmar, Roman Dumitrescu: “Verification of Mathematical Model for Upper Limb Spasticity with Clinical Data.” InIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2020 Apr 1 (Vol. 824, No. 1, p. 012013). IOP Publishing.
Felix Reinhart, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “Machine Learning for Process-X: A Taxonomy”. Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems, Technologies for Intelligent Automation, vol. 11, Springer, 2020.
Nikhil Kumar Jha, Sebastian von Enzberg, Michael Hillebrand: “Using Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection in Autonomouse Systems”, ERCIM News 122, 2020
Sebastian von Enzberg, Felix Reinhart: “Systemintegration und Validierung” . In: Intelligenter Separator, Springer Vieweg, 2019.
Andre Lipsmeier, Thorsten Westermann, Sebastian von Enzberg, Felix Reinhart: “Entwicklung eines intelligenten Separators” . In: Intelligenter Separator, Springer Vieweg, 2019.
Sebastian von Enzberg, Ayoub Al-Hamadi: “Improvement of data-driven 3-d surface quality inspection by deformation simulation”. IEEE Int. Conference on Signal and Image Processing, 2019.
Robert Joppen, Sebastian von Enzberg, Jan Gundlach, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “Key Performance Indicators in the Production of the Future”. Procedia CIRP Vol. 18, 2019.
Robert Joppen, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “A Practical Framework for the Optimization of Production Management Processes”. Procedia Manufacturing Vol. 33, 2019.
Melina Massmann, Maurice Meyer, Roman Dumitrescu, Sebastian von Enzberg, Maximilian Frank, Christian Koldewey, Arno Kühn, Jannik Reinhold: “Significance and Challenges of Data-driven Product Generation and Retrofit Planning”. Proceedings of the CIRP DESIGN, 2019.
Sebastian von Enzberg, Philipp Sahrhage, Arno Kühn: “Big Data-Architekturen - die sicheren Häuser in der Fertigung”, Fabriksoftware 4/2019, GITO Verlag, 2019.
Robert Joppen, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “Investitionsentscheidungen vor dem Hintergrund der Digitalisierung am Beispiel Schaltschrankbau”, ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 114 (7-8), 483-487, 2019.
Bernd Michaelis, Tilo Lilienblum, Sebastian von Enzberg: „Method and device for detecting deviations of an object surface”. International Patent Application WIPO PCT, WO 2014 032661 A1, 2014.
US Patent 10,101,153, 2018
Chinese Patent CN104583715B, 2018
Robert Joppen, Sebastian von Enzberg, Arno Kühn, Roman Dumitrescu: “Data Map - Method for the Specification of Data Flows”. 12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME), 2018.
Arno Kühn, Robert Joppen, Felix Reinhart, Daniel Röltgen, Sebastian von Enzberg, Roman Dumitrescu: “Analytics Canvas - A Framework for the Design and Specification of Data Analytics Projects”. 28th CIRP Design Conference, 2018.
Sebastian von Enzberg: “Produktionszustand: Auch produzierende Unternehmen horten wahre Datenschätze”, Next Industry 2/2018, Vogel Communications Group, 2018
Sebastian von Enzberg and Ayoub Al-Hamadi: „A Multiresolution Approach to Model-Based 3D Surface Quality Inspection”. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2016.
Sebastian von Enzberg, Ayoub Al-Hamadi and Ahmed Ghoneim: „Registration of Feature-Poor 3D Measurements from Fringe Projection”. Sensors 16(3), 2016.
2014 and earlier
Sebastian von Enzberg and Ayoub Al-Hamadi: „A defect recognition system for automated inspection of non-rigid surfaces”. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2014.
Michal Rapczynski, Erik Lilienblum, Sebastian von Enzberg and Ayoub Al-Hamadi: „Simultaneous Multi-Camera Calibration Based on Phase-Shift Measurements on Planar Surfaces”. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2014.
Sebastian von Enzberg, Ayoub Al-Hamadi: „Variables B-Spline-Modell zur 3D-Oberflächenprüfung”. Proceedings of Workshop 3D-NordOst, 2013.
Sebastian von Enzberg, Bernd Michaelis: „Surface Quality Inspection of Deformable Parts with Variable B-Spline Surfaces”. In Proceedings of the joint 34th DAGM and 36th OAGM Symposium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2012.
Sebastian von Enzberg, Erik Lilienblum, Bernd Michaelis: „A physical simulation approach for active photogrammetric 3D measurement systems”. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2011.
Sebastian von Enzberg, Bernd Michaelis: „Approximation of 3D data with piecewise series expansions for surface inspection”. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference CGVCVIP 2011.

Künstliche Intelligenz und Technische Informatik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian von Enzberg
Tel.: (0391) 886 44 72
Fax: (0391) 886 41 26
E-Mail: sebastian.von.enzberg@h2.de
Besucheradresse: Haus 8, Raum 2.18