Working Group on Urban Water Management / Waste Water

Welcome to the website of the Working Group on Urban Water Management with a focus on wastewater! The "Wastewater" working group conducts application-oriented research in a wide range of wastewater technology sectors as well as in the field of biogas technology.Our work focuses on research and teaching with national and international partners from academia and industry.Our main motivation is to be able to meet future challenges in wastewater management through applied research and training of young engineers. Challenges that we can meet with our interdisciplinarity, industrial and international experience.

To see our website in english, please follow this link


The working group wishes everyone a relaxing and happy Christmas and a good start to the New Year. We would like to thank you for the good cooperation and would like to continue this in 2025.


Saxony-Anhalt state project for the sustainable strengthening of a region's groundwater balance through the reuse of treated wastewater

On July 3, 2024, the funding decision was ceremoniously handed over at the Gardelegen wastewater treatment plant.

The working group will provide scientific support for the Gardlegen water association's project over the next 3 years.


Team Leader

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese

phone: +49 391 886- 43 73

Office: House 6, Room 2.12

Curriculum vitae


Resaerch Assistant

 Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann

phone: +49 391 886 -42 67

Office: House 6, Room 0.10

Curriculum vitae

Research assistant

Ingolf Seick, M.Sc.

Project: FlexiGast and PIRAT

phone.: +49 391 886- 43 65

Office: House 6, Room 2.22

Curriculum vitae



Research assitant

Dr.-Ing. Ralf Tschepetzki

Project RECYBA

phone : +49 391 886-4616

Office: House 7, Room 2.07

Curriculum Vitae

Research assistant

Henning Oeltze, M.Eng.

Projects InSchuKa und RECYBA

phone.+49 391 886-4319


Office House 7, Room 2.18

Research assistant

Jose Antonio Simancas Suarez, M.Eng.

Projecte: InSchuKa und DryRivers

phone: +49 391 886-4685

Office: House 6 Room 1.09

Competence center for water management Halle


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese

Tel.: +49 (0)391 886 4373






Resarch & Projects

Promotional / Phd Center "Environment and Technology"

New isnce 2021

Since 2021, it has also been possible to obtain a doctorate in natural sciences and engineering at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. For this purpose, the doctoral center "Environment and Technology", which includes professors with strong research backgrounds in the subject areas WUBS and IWID, has been establishe

more Information


 Resource-efficient cyber-physical wastewater treatment plants.

Subproject: Decision support systems

The project partners want to create prerequisites for wastewater treatment plants (expansion size 1000 to 100,000 p.e.) for the conversion to resource-efficient operation with a novel solution approach, the Internet-based platform RECYBA for the creation of cyber-physical systems. The operating data are first structured, plausibilized, analyzed and visualized by RECYBA. With the help of different tools (e.g. deep learning methods, deterministic models, artificial intelligence methods) the available data sets can then be evaluated and used for a wide variety of questions (e.g. (e.g. prognosis of load fluctuations, virtual test of a process changeover, condition-based maintenance concepts).
As soon as a sufficient number of wastewater treatment plants are represented in the system, the
system, the operating data of similar wastewater treatment plants can be exchanged among each other.
Thus, in the long run, one wastewater treatment plant can learn from the experience of another similar plant. The aim of the research proposal is the development of a technology demonstrator that implements the main
elements of the approach described above.

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese

:Project supporter: Research Center Jülich (PTJ)

Project partner:

Purena GmbH  - Webseite

Rittmeyer GmbH - Webseite

Project duration:  01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024

InSchuKa 4.0

Combined infrastructure and environmental protection through AI-based sewer network management.

The project aims to improve sewer operations in the city of Jena (an example of a large city in Germany) by using different operational and digitalization strategies.
Wastewater and sewer management is becoming increasingly complex due to changes and unpredictability in water allocation. The focus of future optimization measures must therefore be on dynamic-flexible sewer network management that enables optimal use of the existing sewer network volume with regard to heavy rainfall events, as well as counteracting possible negative effects during dry periods, such as increased deposits, odor and corrosion hazards, or the uncontrolled flushing of pollutants into water bodies during short-term heavy rainfall events, by means of intelligent data acquisition, evaluation, and control.
The project partners will, among other things, use simulations to investigate the deposition behavior and sulfide development in the sewer, and develop a process engineering concept for combined reservoir activation and sewer flushing, with the aim of proposing a suitable dynamic sewer network management.

Project duration: 01.02.2022 – 30.01.2025

Project support: BMBF

Contact: Prof. Dr-Ing. Jürgen Wiese

Project partner

  • University of Applied Sciences Hof (Project coordination)
  • Univerity of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal
  • HST Systemtechnik GmbH & Co KG
  • JenaWasser
  • Pegasys GmbH
  • Nivus GmbH




DRYRIVERS - Goals, requirements, strategies and tools for sustainable low water risk management.
The DRYRIVERS project aims to develop a practical tool that can effectively, objectively and transparently support authorities in low water risk management (NRWM) for a watercourse. The steps from problem identification to quantitative assessment of the watercourse to long-term and sustainable mitigation measures will be integrated. Water management, socio-economic and ecological aspects will be equally considered within the proposed project in a multi-criteria framework.

Project duration: 01.02.2022 – 02.2025

Contact: Dr-Ing. Jürgen Wiese



Project partner:

  • University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal
  • Institute for Water Engineering and Water management (IWW), Institute for Socioloy (STO); RWTH Aachen University
  • umweltbüro essen (ube)
  • LimnoPlan Erfstadt
  • Wasserverband Eifel-Rur
  • Industrie – Wasser – Umweltschutz e.V.
  • Waterschap Limburg
  • Landesbetriebes für Hochwasserschutz und Wasserwirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalt
  • Niedersächsische Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten und Naturschutz
  • Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau
  • Flussgebietsgemeischaft
  • Bund der Ingenieure für Wasserwirtschaft, Abfallwirtschaft und Kulturbau BWK e.V.

Cooperation with SWM

Students  work on current issues related to wastewater.


  • Prof. Dr-Ing. Torsten Schmidt
  • Prof. Dr-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann

Completed projects (Selection)


Model-based operation optimization of biogas plants

The development of a model-based consulting system for the direct support of the ongoing plant operation of biogas plants is planed. This innovative consulting system should automatically and based on the available measurement data and mathematical models for dynamic simulation, perform a detailed analysis of the biological processes and the operating status of the respective plant and thereby perform an assessment of the data quality.

The system should use expert knowledge to identify possible causes of diagnosed operating problems and to derive corresponding recommendations for their solution or for optimizing plant operation.



  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • MSc. Ingolf Seick
  • M.Eng. Sebastian Kelm


Competence center for material flow and resource management

The Competence Center for Material Flow and Resource Management is being stablished with the technical support of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and financial support from the DAAD at the University of Holguin in Cuba.

Project management is carried out by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gilian Gerke.

Project ccordination: Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann

more information



Optimization of the anaerobic Sludge treatment mode of the wastewater treatment plant Magdeburg/ Gerwisch

Work period: 04/15 -12/16
Project partner: Stadtwerke Magdeburg GmbH & Co.KG
Projectk manager: Prof. Dr. –Ing. T. Schmidt
Responible processors : Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann; Alexander Bönecke (Masterarbeit)


  • By testing different modes of operation of the two anaerobic sludge treatment reactors on a laboratory and pilot scale, deriving an optimized operation under energy aspects consideration.

Laboratory studies on various disintegration methods with the aim MAP-Separation

Processing period: 06/16 -10/16
Project partner: Stadtwerke Magdeburg GmbH & Co.KG
responsible: Patrick Soisson (Master Thesis)


  • Impact of various disintegration possibilities of excess sludge on the anaerobic sludge treatment on a laboratory and pilot scale Derivation of an optimized operation under energetic aspects.

Entry of micrioplastics in to environment throug the outlet flow of a wastewtaer treatment plant

Processing period: 02/16 -10/16

Project partner: Stadtwerke Magdeburg GmbH & Co.KG

Responsible: Martin Keitz (master thesis)


Literature research, development of a detection method and a sampling procedure, orienting analyses.

Self Monitoring of pound wastewater treatment plants Krüssau und Rietzel

Processing period: 01/2012-12/2016

Project partner: Amt Möckern

Project leader: Prof.Dr.-Ing. Böttge

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann

Content: Implementation of self-monitoring and preparation of annual reports.

Optimization of the operation of an aerated sand trap

Processing period 03/2015 to 02/2016

Project partner: Stadtwerke Magdeburg GmbH & Co.KG

Project leader: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten.Schmidt

Responsibles: Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann; Christoph Leipold (bachelor thesis); Axel Schulz (master thesis)

Content: Optimization of the operating mode in terms of energy saving by changing the aeration regime.

Creation of a chloride balance for the astewater treatment plant Magdeburg/ Gerwisch

Processing period: 02 / 2015-10 / 2015

Project partner: Stadtwerke Magdeburg GmbH & Co.KG

Project leader: Prof.Dr.-Ing. T. Schmidt

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann, Lankau (Bachelor Thesis)

Content: Creation of the chloride balance for the identification of main entry paths and the possibility of reductions.


Fundamental and methods of an optimization system for the opertaion of biogas plants in combination with demand-oriented power generation

Processing period: 11/2013 to 09/2015

Project partner: ifak system GmbH

Promoter: BMWi

Project leader: Prof. Kuhn and M.Sc. Seick

Responsible: MSc. Seick, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gebhardt

Content: Load-flexible power generation of biogas plants in the plant network, mathematical model approaches for simulating the biogas plant network.

Process for Increasing the biogas yield by thermal digestade treatment

Processing period: 10/2011 to 02/2014

Promoter: BMWi

Project partner: H & L Project Engineering

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn and MSc. Seick

Responsible: MSc. Seick, Dipl.-Ing-. (FH). Gebhardt


  • Development of an innovative process for increasing the biogas yield through thermal digestate treatment.
  • Development of a treatment apparatus
  • Construction of a prototype
  • Process strategy

Feasibility study of anaerobic sludge treatment for Oschersleben watsewater treatment plant

Processing period: 04/2013 to 10/2013

Project partner: TAV Börde

Project leader / supervisor: Prof. Kuhn, M.Sc. Seick, K. Neumann


  • Does it makes sense an anaerobic sludge treatment in the Oschersleben sewage treatment plant from an economical perspective?
  • What positive effects could arise for the sewage treatment plant?
  • Are there additional substrate sources in the association area?

Investigation of the effect of dosing waterwork sludge in the sludge treatment of a sewage plant

Processing period: 04/2012 to 05/2013

Project partner: SWM GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn and Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann


  • Investigation of the substitution of iron (III) chloride by waterworks sludge
  • Investigation of the effect of waterworks sludge on the sludge amount and characteristics as well as anaerobic sludge stabilization.

Pollution of preflood waters by the operational discharge of sewage treatment plant

Processing period: 01/2012 to 05/2012

Head: Prof. B. Kuhn and Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann

Responsible: Mrs. Knapp (Bachelor Thesis)


  • Calculation of the initiated loads on the basis of different measurement series for different load cases
  • Consideration of the impact on the water
  • Solution concepts for the reduction of burdens
  • Additional consideration of 3 selected pharmaceutical drug residues

Determination of sludge amount from the aerobic disposal of liquid waste using the example of carboneous waste from the food and feed industry

Processing period: 08/2010 to 08/2011

Project partner: SWM GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn and Dipl.-Ing.K. Neumann

Responsible: Mrs. B. Schulze (Bachelor Thesis)


  • Determination of the specific sludge amount by selected C sources
  • Development of a calculation approach for the utilization of C sources in a wastewater treatment plant
  • Examinations during summer and winter operation
  • Effects on the operation of the treatment plant
  • Comparison of two test substances
  • Experiments on a pilot plant for sewage treatment

Prognosis system for biofas plants

Processing period: 10/2009 to 09/2011

Project partners: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and ifak System GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick, Mr. Gebhardt (Diploma thesis), Mr. Zaenker (Bachelor thesis)


  • Development of a forecasting system for biogas plants, which provides direct support for ongoing plant operation, e.g. made possible by forecasts
  • Optimization (substrate input, biological processes)
  • Additional virtual measurement information

Control of oxygen concentrations

Processing period: 10/2007 to 06/2010

Project partners: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and ifak System GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick, Mr. Mertsching (diploma thesis) and other diploma theses

Content: Development of an innovative concept for Instrumentation and control engineering for load-dependent control of the oxygen concentration in the profile along flow-through, aerated activated sludge aeration tanks

Recovery of carbonated wash water from animal production

Processing period: 05/2008 to 09/2008

Project partner: Ligrana GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann


  • Feasibility study on the use of wastewater as an external carbon source using the example of the wastewater treatment plant Magdeburg / Gerwisch
  • Experiments on a sewage treatment pilot plant
  • Effects on the wastewater treatment process

Utilization of waterworks sludge in the sludge treatment plant of the wastewater treatment plant Magdeburg/ Gerwisch

Processing period: 05/2007 to 07/2008

Project partners: AGM, SWM GmbH and TWM GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann

Responsible: Mr. Laudon (diploma thesis)


  • Investigation of the possibility of using the iron and manganese-containing waterwork sludge of the waterworks Lindau in the sludge treatment of the Gerwisch sewage treatment plant
  • Laboratory studies on effects on sewage sludge quality
  • Studies on the stability of waterworks sludge
  • Economic considerations

Optimization of the use of external carbon sources

Processing period: 01/2007 to 03/2008

Project partners: AGM mbH and SWM GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn and Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann

Responsible: Mr. Rieser, Mr. Blum, Mr. Gruhn, Mr. Rudolph (all diploma thesis) and other diploma and practical semester reports


  • Analysis of the possibilities of dosing C sources
  • Different dosing locations and concepts in a cascade biology (activated sludge)
  • Conducting tests on a semi-industrial test water treatment plant to study the effect of different C source


Elimination of drug residues in wastewater treatment plants

Processing period: 2005 to 2008

In cooperation with the Department of Chemistry (Prof. Hartmann)

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn and Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann

Responsible: Ms. Schübel, Mr. Brandt, Ms. Weigl, Mr. Steffen (all diploma theses); Mrs. Brennecke (master thesis)


  • Laboratory degradation tests for various treatment options
  • Fate and behaviour of selected drugs in the wastewater treatment plant based on tests on a pilot plant for sewage treatment
  • Environmental impact
  • Further elimination from the effluent of a wastewater treatment plant

Aeration strategies for longitudinal aeration tanks (activated sludge)

Processing period: 10/2005 to 09/2007

Project partners: DBU and ifak system GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick


  • Development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly aeration strategies for longitudinal aeration tanks
  • Consideration of industrial wastewater

Integration of a pilot plant in a simulation system

Processing period: 10/2004 to 12/2006

Project partner: ifak System GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick; Mr. Berger (Diploma thesis)


  • Integration of a pilot plant in a simulation system
  • Realistic and timely implementation of education and training using internet technologies

Optimization aeration sewage treatment plant

Processing period: 02/2005 to 12/2005

Project partners: SAM and SWM GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick


  • Investigations for saving aeration energy
  • Assessment of the improvement potential of plant operation

Optimization of distribution structures of a wastewater treatment plant

Processing period: 02/2004 to 02/2005

Project partners: SAM and SWM GmbH

Project Leader: Prof. dr. Bischoff

Responsible: Mr. Weber and Mr. Regner (diploma thesis)


  • Investigation of the differences between target and real values
  • Investigation of causes
  • Tracer experiments
  • Concepts for solutions

Profiles for absorption of oxygen in aeration tanks (activated sludge)

Processing period: 09/2004 to 03/2005

Project partner: SWM GmbH

Project Leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick


  • Recording of oxygen profiles in a longitudinal aeration tank
  • Mathematical evaluation
  • Presentation of real oxygen distributions, conclusions


Monitoring of a large-scale test to implement a measure to prevent MAP (struvite) in the sludge treatment of a sewage treatment plant

Processing period: 06/2004 to 08/2005

Project partner: SWM GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick

Integrated system for material flow management in association with dynamic simulation, optimization and decision support

Processing period: 04/2003 to 02/2005

Project developer: Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWT) and ifak System GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) I. Seick


  • Material flow calculation, analysis and presentation of energy and material flows
  • Ecological impact assessment based on material flow balances

Technological and procedural investigations for the evaluation and optimization of a new development to solve the problem of odour and corrosion in the sewer

Processing period: 09/2003 to 05/2004

Project partners: WWAZ and TW / AW Umwelttechnik

Project Leader: Prof. B. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann


  • Trial operation on a special section of the canal
  • Evaluation regarding effectiveness
  • Comparison with alternative products

Reactivation of activated sludge

Processing period: 06/2003 to 06/2004

Project partner: SAM

Responsible: Ms. Puchowka (diploma thesis); Mr. Hönicke (diploma thesis)

Project leaders: Prof. B. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann


  • Behaviour of the activated sludge when switching off the wastewater treatment plant (power failure, flood etc.)
  • Comparison of summer and winter operation
  • Comparison of different downtime

Technical-economic study on the operation of anaerobic mesophilic sludge treatment

Processing period: 06/2003 to 11/2003

Project partner: SAM

Responsible: Dipl.-Ing (FH) I. Seick

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn


  •  Comparison of parallel and series operation of anaerobic digesters under operational and economic aspects.


Magnesium ammonium phosphate (MAP) deposits in the sludge treatment area of wastewater treatment plants

Processing period: 2001 – 2004

Project partner: PWU Planungsgesellschaft mbH and the SAM

Responsible: S. Krause (Diploma Thesis), K. Ziems (Diploma thesis), K. Hoffmann (Diploma thesis)

Project leaders: Prof. B. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann


  • Cause investigation
  • Survey on wastewater treatment plants
  • Development of solution concepts, laboratory experiments
  • Large-scale implementation of a short-term solution

Investigation of the kinetics and determination of the performance of a biological wastewater treatment plant

Processing period: 1997 -1998

Project partner: WWTP Bernburg and the Institute of the Department of Water Management (IWU)

Responsible: Mr. Gartmann, Mrs. Burgdorf, Mrs. Köhler, Mrs. Kater (diploma thesis)

Project Leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Utilization of waterworks sludge

Processing period: 1996 to 1999

Project partner: TWM GmbH

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Ms. I. Wege (diploma thesis) and further diploma and practical semester reports


  • Options for utilisation based on a special waterworks
  • Investigation for recovery in biological wastewater treatment plants
  • Alternative utilization options

Investigation of the effect of auxiliaries and additives on the wastewater treatment process

Processing period: 1997 to 1999

Project leader: Prof. B. Kuhn

Responsible: Mrs. A. Pelz (diploma thesis) and further diploma and practical semester reports


  • Investigations on a single-stage laboratory wastewater treatment plant
  • Comparison of different products (Aquaterra, Plocher-Quarzmehl)

Project and ccoperation partner

  • tadtwerke Magdeburg GmbH & Co KG
  • Thorsis Thecnologies GmbH
  • Ifak e.V Magdeburg
  • GETEC green energy
  • Ligrana GmbH
  • Bue Anlagentechnik GmbH
  • Cordes + Winterberg GbR
  • Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Medizin-, Bio- und Umwelttechnologien e.V  (GMBU)
  • ...


Laboratory - Analytics(Selection)

Wastewater, sludge and biogas analysis:

  • Nitrogen and phosphorus analysis, O2
  • Filterable and settleable solids
  • pH, conductivity, acid capacity
  • Dry matter, volatile solids, sludge volume
  • VFA/TA (FOS/TAC), elementary analysis
  • CH4, CO2, H2S
  • among others

Wastewater technolgy

  • Simulation and optimization of wastewater treatment and sludge treatment process
  • Condition analysis of wastewater treatment plants and sewer systems
  • Increasing the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants
  • Concepts for avoiding operational problems
  • Special control and monitoring engineering concepts for aeration of sewage treatment plants
  • Testing of additives for the wastewater treatment process
  • Monitoring of sewage treatment plants according to discharge regulations
  • Measurement and automation concepts holistic remediation concepts and strategies for sewer systems
  • Sewage sludge concepts

Biogas test plants

  • Modeling and simulation of biogas plants
  • Feasibility studies for the construction of biogas plants
  • Process optimization of biogas plants
  • Concepts to increase resource efficiency
  • Concepts for digestate treatment, treatment and utilization
  • Batch fermentation tests and continuous fermentation tests according to VDI 4630
  • Biogas yield tests

Semi-technical biogas test plant

The experimental plant is suitable for experiments on biogas production from the biological treatment of sewage sludge, silage and other organic materials.

More information:

Biogas-Test plant

Container test plant for wet fermantation - semi.-technical biogas test plant


The containerized experimental plant is transportable and suitable for experiments on biogas production from biological treatment of sewage sludge, silage and other organic materials.

More information:



[Translate to English:] In diesem Bereich befinden sich alle Veröffentlichungen, Fachbücher, Tagungsbeiträge, Artikel, Poster und Patente unserer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter.

Vergara-Araya, M.; Oeltze, H.; Radeva, J.; Roth, A.G.; Göbbert, C.; Niestroj-Pahl, R.; Dähne, L.; Wiese, J.2022Operation of Hybrid Membranes for the Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Pollutants from Water and Wastewater. Membranes 2022, 12, 502.

Vergara-Araya, M.; Hilgenfeldt, V.; Steinmetz, H.; Wiese, J.2022Combining Shift to Biogas Production in a Large WWTP in China with Optimisation of Nitrogen Removal. Energies 2022, 15, 2710.
Seick I, Vergara-Araya M., Wiese J.2022Model-Based Analysis to Increase the Substrate Efficiency of a Biogas Plant. Chem. Eng. Technol. 2022, 45, No. 00, 1–12
Müller-Czygan G., Wiese J., Fischer R., Zenke R., Frese A., Frigger M.2021Innovative Steuerung und Energiemonitoring sichert effizienten Kläranlagenbetrieb, auch während Pandemiezeiten. Fachbericht Abwasserbehandlung. gwf Wasser + Abwasser, 27.11.2021
Vergara-Araya, M.; Hilgenfeldt, V.; Peng, D.; Steinmetz, H.; Wiese, J.2021Modelling to Lower Energy Consumption in a Large WWTP in China While Optimising Nitrogen Removal. Energies 2021, 14, 5826.

Meinusch N., Kramer S., Körner O., Wiese J., Seick I., Beblek A., Berges R., Illenberger B., Illenberger M., Uebbing J., Wolf M., Saake G., Benndorf D., Reichl U., Heyer R.
2021Integrated Cycles for Urban Biomass as a Strategy to Promote a CO2-Neutral Society — A Feasibility Study. Journal Sustainability 2021, 13, 9505

Seick, I.; Vergara-Araya M.; Wiese, J.2021Flexible Energy from Biogas: Use of Secondary Digesters for Heat Storage – Results of Fermentation Tests, Journal CLEAN Soil Air Water, Volume 49, Issue 6, June 2021.
Radeva, J.; Roth, A.G.; Göbbert, C.; Niestroj-Pahl, R.; Dähne,L.;Wolfram, A.;Wiese, J.2021Hybrid Ceramic Membranes for the Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Aqueous Solutions. Membranes 2021, 11, 280.
Müller-Czygan G., Wiese J., Vogel J.2021Fallbasierte Steuerungen - ein Zukunftsmodell für mehr Betriebseffizienz und Anlagensicherheit in der Abwassertechnik!?. KA Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, 2021 (68) Nr. 2
Verena Hilgenfeldt, Heidrun Steinmetz, Di Peng, Joachim Clemens, Jianbin Guo, Mónica Vergara-Araya, Jürgen Wiese, Xuefei Zhou2020PIRAT-Systems: Energy- and Resource-Efficient Wastewater Treatment Processes for China. Econet-Monitor Green Markets & Climate change (December 2020). Online:
Neumann K., Gerke G.2020Internationale Abfall- und Wasserwirtschaft: Erfahrungen einer deutsch-kubanischen Kooperation im Hochschulbereich. Müll und Abfall 8 (2020). DOI:
Fuss M., Vergara-Araya M., Barros R. T.V., Poganietz W.-R.2020Implementing mechanical biological treatment in an emerging waste management system predominated by waste pickers: A Brazilian case study. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 162 (2020) DOI:
Vergara-Araya M., Lehn H., Poganietz W.-R.2020Integrated water, waste and energy management systems – A case study from Curauma, Chile, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 156 (2020) 104725. DOI:
Seick, I.; Vergara-Araya M.; Wiese, J.2018ThermoFlex: Heat Storage in Secondary Digesters for Flexible Power Generation of Biogas Plants. In: Chem. Eng. Technol. 41 (11), S. 2132–2140. DOI:
Wiese, J.; Seick, I.2018Optimierung von Kläranlagen und Biogasanlagen durch Mess- und Automationstechnik sowie Computersimulation, WasserWirtschaft, Heft 1/2018, S. 39-44, Springer Vieweg-Verlag, Wiesbaden
Seick, I.; Wiese, J.2017ThermoFlex - Nachgärer als Wärmespeicher für flexible Biogasanlagen. Eingereicht und angenommen für: 7. Statuskonferenz „Bioenergie. Flexibel und integriert in die nächste Epoche!“ am 20.-21. November 2017, Leipzig
L. Weitze, H. Schröder, J. Wiese2017Biogas Plant 4.0 – Opportunities and requirements for existing facilities. Progress in Biogas IV, International Conference organised by IBBK and University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Seick, I.; Wiese, J.2017ThermoFlex - Flexible Wärmebereitstellung durch Biogasanlagen. 11. Rostocker Bioenergieforum 22.-23.06.2017. In: Schriftenreihe Umweltingenieurwesen, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Band 68. Hrsg.: M. Nelles, Universität Rostock.
Wiese, J., Cuhls, C., Seick, I.2016State and potential of anaerobic biowaste treatment in Germany. Narossa 20th International Conference for Renewable Resources and Plant Biotechnology (Tagungssband), Magdeburg
Seick, I.2016Projekt ThermoFlex: Thermophile Nachgärer als Wärmespeicher für flexible Biogasanlagen. 5. Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung Biogas, Biozentrum Halle, 29.09.2016, Deutschland
Wiese, J., Hilfenhaus, R.2016

Ideen statt Beton: Kontinuierliche Optimierung der Kläranlage Neuenhaßlau. Modernisierungsreport 2016/2017,S.19-23,Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin

Poganietz, W.-R., Lehn, H., Vergara, M., Steiner, F.2016Separating wastewater at the source: Impacts on Energy efficiency in decentralized energy systems. Joint 12th Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference and 5th Asia-Pacific Conference. Nagoya, Japan, 28.-30.09.2016
Thiel, P.; Neumann, K2016Ansätze zur Umweltbildung in der Region Gibara. Vortrag beim 1. Workshop Kompetenzzentrum, 8./9.März 2016 an der Universität Holguin. Holguin/ Kuba
Herrmann, J.; Neumann, K2016Optimierungsmöglichkeiten von Biogasanlagen: Vortrag beim 1. Workshop Kompetenzzentrum, 8./9.März 2016 an der Universität Holguin. Holguin/ Kuba

2015 - 2010

Ogurek, M.; Seick, I.; Fronk, K.2015Praxistaugliche Modellierung eines prädiktiven Reglers für Biogasanlagen. AT – Automatisierungstechnik 2015; 63(7): 502 – 517, Schwerpunktheft Wasser, Abwasser, Biogas, 2015
Seick, I., Tschepetzki, R.2015Dynamische Simulation für den optimierten und flexiblen Betrieb von Biogasanlagen. FNR/KTBL-KONGRESS Biogas in der Landwirtschaft –Stand und Perspektiven, Potsdam, 22./23.09.2015. Tagungsband. ISBN 978-3-94 5088-07-4, Hrsg.: Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft –Stand und Perspektiven, Potsdam, 22./23.09.2015
Herrmann, J.; Neumann, K2015Abwasserreinigung mittels bewachsener Bodenfilter im tropischen Raum. Tagungsband: 15. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz ost- und mitteldeutscher Fachhochschulen 2015, S.50 ff
Silva, F., Cabrol, L., Hauck, N., Vergara, M., Pérez, A., Lesty, Y., Chamy, R.2014Evaluation of micro-aeration effect on microbial community structure in anaerobic digesters, in relation with desulfurization performance. XI Latin American Workshop and Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion. La Habana, Cuba, 24.-27.11.2014
J. Wiese2014Der demografische Wandel und die Abwasserreinigung in Osthessen, in DWA-Fachbuch “Demografischer Wandel – Zukunftsfähige Abwasserkonzepte”, S. 189-202, ISBN 976-3-944328-32-4, DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V., Hennef
Borges da Fonseca, M., Vergara, M.2014Assessing mechanical-biological treatment towards strategy for waste management in Belo Horizonte. International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) World Congress 2014. São Paulo, Brazil, 8.-11.09.2014
Neumann, K.2014Vewertung von Eisenschlämmen aus Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlagen zur Phosphatbindung in Abwasserreinigungsanlagen. Tagungsband: Trinkwassertagung Sachsen-Anhalt 18.9.2014
Neumann, K.2014Phosphorrückgewinnungsgebot aus Klärschlamm – Auswirkungen auf die Klärschlammverwertung , mögliche Verfahrensvarianten. Vortrag bei „Wasserwirtschaft im Dialog“. Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal. 25.6.2014
Seick, I.; Fronk, K.; Ogurek, M.2014Modellbasierte Betriebsunterstützung für Biogasanlagen. 7. Biogas-Innovationskongress 2014, 22.-23.05 2014 in Osnabrück. Tagungsband. ISBN 978-3-98 13776-4-4, Hrsg.: ProFair Consult+Project GmbH
Seick, I.; Tschepetzki, R.2014Dynamische Simulation für den optimierten und lastflexiblen Betrieb von Biogasanlagen. Fachtagung Prozessmesstechnik in Biogasanlagen im BMU-Förderprogramm „Energetische Biomassenutzung“, 25.-26.03.2014 Leipzig. Tagungsreader, ISSN 2192-1806, Hrsg.: J. Liebetrau, D. Thrän, D. Pfeiffer
Wiese, J.,  Bischoff, M.2013Instrumentation, Control and Automation on Biogas Plants, Book Series “Biogas Engineering and Application”, Volume 3, China Agricultural University Press, editors: R. Dong and B. Raninger, ISBN 978-7-5655-0751-9, PR of China
Bischoff, M., Wiese, J., Raninger, B.2013Views on the communication and cooperation needs in biogas sector between Germany and China, Book Series “Biogas Engineering and Application”, Volume 3, China Agricultural University Press, editors: R. Dong and B. Raninger, ISBN 978-7-5655-0751-9, PR of China
Seick, I.; Tschepetzki, R.2013Optimierung von Biogasanlagen mit dynamischer Simulation als Basis für eine lastflexible Fahrweise. 7. VDI-Fachtagung Biogas, Nürtingen 12.-13.06.2013. In: VDI-Berichte 2208, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2013
Seick, I.; Gebhardt, S.2013Steigerung der Substratausnutzung durch thermische Gärrestbehandlung. 7. Rostocker Bioenergieforum 20.-21.06.2013. In: Schriftenreihe Umweltingenieurwesen, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Band 36
Ogurek, M.; Seick, I.; Kujawski, O.; Alex, J.2013Toward modeling of biogas plants in engineering practice. 11th IWA conference on instrumentation control and automation, 18.-20. September 2013, Narbonne, France
Seick, I.; Tschepetzki, R.; Gebhardt, S.2012Unterstützung des Betriebs einer landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlage mit dynamischer Simulation. 6. Rostocker Bioenergieforum 14.-15.06.2012. In: Schriftenreihe Umweltingenieurwesen, Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Band 32. Hrsg.: M. Nelles, Universität Rostock.
Seick, I.; Tschepetzki, R.2011Realisierung einer energieeffizienten Regelung des Sauerstoff-Längsprofils von Belebungsbecken. Fachtagung „Mess- und Regelungstechnik in abwassertechnischen Anlagen“, Fulda, 25.-26.10.2011
Seick, I.; Gebhardt, S.2011Verfahren zur Erzeugung von Biogas aus organischen Substraten und Vorrichtung zur Durchführung des Verfahrens. Deutsche Patentanmeldung am 30.03.2011 (Az.: 10 2011 015 611.9, Anmelder: Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal)
Seick, I.; Tschepetzki, R.2011Dynamisches Simulationsmodell einer landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlage. 6. VDI-Fachtagung Biogas, Braunschweig, 08. und 09. Juni 2011. In: VDI-Berichte 2121, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2011
K. Neumann2011Verwendung externer Kohlenstoffquellen in der Abwasserreinigung ‐ Umfrageergebnisse (Deutschland);Auswirkungen der Änderung des WHG (2009) ‐ industrielle Reststoffe in Abwasserreinigungsanlagen; Vortrag bei „Wasserwirtschaft im Dialog“, HS Magdeburg-Stendal. Juni 2011
M. Bach, F. Blumensaat, S. Fach, V- Gamerith, G. Gruber, S. Heusch, M. Hochedlinger, K. Klepiszewski, T. Mietzel, D. Muschalla, M. Pabst, C. Peters, A. Pressl, N. Schindler, K. Schroeder, M. Schütze, K. Schröter, J. Simon, A. Solvi, P. Staufer, J. Wiese, S. Wörsching und M. Zawilski2010Integrierte Modellierung von Kanalnetz, Kläranlage und Gewässer, Leitfaden der Hochschulsimulationsgruppe (HSG), KA Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall (57), Nr. 9, S. 882 - 889

until 2009

J. Wiese, R. König2009From a black-box to a glass-box system – The attempt towards a plant-wide automation concept for full-scale biogas plants. Water Science & Technology (WST), Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 321–327, IWA Publishing, United Kingdom
D. Muschalla, M. Schütze, K. Schroeder, M. Bach, F. Blumensaat, K. Klepiszewski, M. Pabst, A. Pressl, N. Schindler, J. Wiese, G. Gruber2009The HSG Guideline Document for Modelling. Water Science & Technology (WST), Vol. 60, No. 8, pp. 2065–2075, IWA Publishing, United Kingdom
J. Wiese, R. König2009From a black-box to a glass-box system – The attempt towards a plant-wide automation concept for full-scale biogas plants. 10th IWA Conference in Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2009, Proceedings, Cairns, Australia
J. Wiese, R. König2009From Challenges to Opportunities – Intensive use of instrumentation, control and automation on full-scale biogas plants. Proceedings, 10th IWA Conference in Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2009, Cairns, Australien
Seick, I.2009Verfahren zum Betrieb einer Kläranlage. Patent-Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2007 034 133 A1 vom 22.01.2009 (Anmelder: Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal).
Seick, I., Tschepetzki, R.2009Energieeffiziente Nitrifikation durch Regelung des Sauerstoff-Längsprofils von Belebungsbecken. Fachtagung „Mess- und Regelungstechnik in abwassertechnischen Anlagen“, Wuppertal, 17.-18.11.2009.
J. Wiese, R. König2008Einsatz von Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik auf modernen Biogasanlagen – Ergebnisse großtechnischer Anwendungen. DVGW energie | wasser-praxis, 59. Jahrgang, ISSN 1436-6134, Heft 11/2008, S. 16-21
J. Wiese, O. Kujawski2008Operational results of an agricultural biogas plant equipped with modern instrumentation and automation. Water Science & Technology (WST), Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 803-808, IWA Publishing, United Kingdom
D. Muschalla, M. Schütze, K. Schroeder, M. Bach, F. Blumensaat, K. Klepiszewski, M. Pabst, A. Pressl, N. Schindler, J. Wiese, and G. Gruber2008The HSG Guideline Document for Modelling Integrated Urban Wastewater Systems. Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
J. Wiese, O. Kujawski, R. König, K. Dickmann, H. Andree2008Applying Instrumentation, Control and Automation for Biogas Plants – Results of Full-Scale Applications. Proceedings, World Bioenergy Congress, Sweden
J. Wiese, O. Kujawski, R. König, K. Dickmann2008Instrumentation, Control and Automation for Biogas Plants – Three Full-Scale Examples. Proceedings, IWA-Congress „Anaerobic Digestion of biosolids and energy crops“, Tunesia
J. Wiese and O. Kujawski2008Operational results of an agricultural biogas plant equipped with modern instrumentation and automation. Water Science & Technology (WST), Vol. 57, No. 6, pp. 803-808, IWA Publishing, United Kingdom
Neumann,K., Schübel, K.2008Verbleib von Arzneimittelreststoffen in der Abwasserreinigung und Lösungsansätze zur Entfernung von Restkonzentrationen. 9. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz 29.04.2008. Tagungsband. Hochschule Anhalt
Rieser, J.; Neumann,K.2008Optimierung des Einsatzes von Kohlenstoffquellen in der Abwasserreinigung. Posterbeitrag auf der 9. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz 29.04.2008. Tagungsband. Hochschule Anhalt
Seick, I., Tschepetzki, R.2008Dynamische Simulation von Biogasanlagen, verknüpft mit Energie-, Umweltwirkungs- und Kostenberechnung. Wasser, Luft und Boden, Zeitschrift für Umwelttechnik, Vereinigte Fachverlage, Mainz. Juni, 2008
J. Wiese and O. Kujawski2007Operational results of an agricultural biogas plant equipped with modern instrumentation and automation. 24. September 2007, Session “2A - Bioenergy “, 11th IWA Specialist conference on anaerobic digestion “Bio-energy for our future - Renewable Energy from Waste”, Brisbane, Australia
O. Kujawski, J. Wiese, R. König und M. Häck2007Instrumentation, control and automation for agricultural and co-digestion biogas plants – yesterday, today and tomorrow. 26. September 2007, Session “9A - Instrumentation, Control and Automation“, 11th IWA specialist conference on anaerobic digestion “Bio-energy for our future - Renewable Energy from Waste”, Brisbane, Australia
Seick, I., Tschepetzki, R.2007Optimierung der Belüftung von Kaskadenanlagen durch sinnvolle Anpassung des belüfteten Volumens und der Sauerstoffsollwerte. Fachtagung „Mess- und Regelungstechnik in abwassertechnischen Anlagen“, Wuppertal, 20.-21.11.2007
Neumann, K., Kuhn, B.2007Biologischer Abbau von Arzneistoffen in Versuchskläranlagen. 1. Magdeburger Workshop „Arzneimittelrückstände im Wasser und Abwasser“. 22.02.2007
J. Wiese and M. Häck2006Instrumentation, control and automation for full-scale manure-based biogas systems. Water Science & Technology (WST), Vol. 54, No. 9, pp. 1-8, IWA Publishing, United Kingdom
J. Wiese, J. Simon, H. Steinmetz2006A process-dependent real-time controller for sequencing batch reactor plants – Results of full-scale operation. Water Science & Technology (WST), Vol. 53, No. 4-5, pp. 143-150, IWA Publishing, United Kingdom
M. Häck, J. Wiese2006Trends in instrumentation, control and automation and the consequences on urban water systems. Water Science & Technology (WST), Vol. 54, No. 11-12, pp. 265-272, IWA Publishing, United Kingdom
H. Steinmetz and J. Wiese2006Instrumentation, control and automation for full-scale sequencing batch reactor plants. Water Practice & Technology (WPT), wpt.2006.076, IWA Publishing, United Kingdom
Simon, J. Wiese, H. Steinmetz2006A comparison of continuous flow and sequencing batch reactor plants concerning integrated operation of sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants. Water Science & Technology (WST), Vol. 54, No. 11-12, pp. 241-248, IWA Publishing, UK
Seick, I.; Kuhn, B.2006Optimierung der Belüftung der Kaskadenbelebung auf dem Klärwerk Magdeburg/Gerwisch durch Simulation von statischen Maßnahmen. In: Magdeburger Wasserwirtschaftliche Hefte Band 5. Hrsg.: B. Kuhn, V. Lüderitz. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2006.
Seick, I.; Kuhn, B.; Tiedge, J.2006Aufnahme von Sauerstoffprofilen im Belebungsbecken des Klärwerkes Magdeburg/Gerwisch. In: Magdeburger Wasserwirtschaftliche Hefte Band 5. Hrsg.: B. Kuhn, V. Lüderitz. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2006
Neumann, K., Kuhn, B.2006Halbtechnischen Versuchskläranlage des Fachbereiches Wasser- und Kreislaufwirtschaft der Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal. In: Magdeburger Wasserwirtschaftliche Hefte Band 5. Hrsg.: B. Kuhn, V. Lüderitz. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2006
Neumann, K.2006Magnesiumammoniumphosphat (MAP)-Ablagerungen in Abwasser-Reinigungsanlagen. In: Magdeburger Wasserwirtschaftliche Hefte Band 5. Hrsg.: B. Kuhn, V. Lüderitz. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2006
Neumann, K., Kuhn, B.2006Reaktivierung von Belebtschlamm nach Belüftungsausfällen. In: Magdeburger Wasserwirtschaftliche Hefte Band 5. Hrsg.: B. Kuhn, V. Lüderitz. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2006
J. Wiese, R. König2006Fermenterüberwachung auf Biogasanlagen. Heft 12, 2006,         S. 32-34, UmweltMagazin, Springer-VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, FRG
J. Wiese, R. König2006Online-Messung: kostengünstig, zeitnah, genau. Biogas Journal, Heft 4, 2006, S. 14-17, Fachverband Biogas e.V. (Hrsg.), Freising, FRG
J. Wiese, R. König2006Prozessbegleitende Überwachung auf Biogasanlagen. DVGW energie | wasser-praxis, 57. Jahrgang, ISSN 1436-6134, Heft 9/2006, S. 10-16
J. Wiese, R. König2006Analytik auf Biogasanlagen. wwt – wasserwirtschaft wassertechnik, Heft 9, 2006, S. 41-43 Huss-Medien GmbH, Berlin, FRG
M. Häck, J. Wiese2006Wirtschaftlichkeit von Prozessmesstechnik zur Erfassung von Nährstoffparametern – Gestern – Heute – Morgen. Artikel in der Zeitschrift „KA – Korrespondenz Abwasser“, 53. Jahrgang, Nr. 4, April 2006, S. 371-380, 10889, ISSN 1616-430X, Hrsg. und Verlag GFA – Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e.V.
M. Häck, J. Wiese2006Wirtschaftlichkeit von Prozessmesstechnik zur Erfassung von Nährstoffparametern – Gestern – Heute – Morgen. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, Heft 1/2, 2006, ISSN 0945-358X, Springer Verlag
J. Wiese, M. Häck2006Instrumentation, control and automation for full-scale manure-based biogas systems. 5th IWA World Water Congress – Beijing 2006, Proceedings, Paper-No. 594339, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
M. Häck and J. Wiese2006Trends in the field of instrumentation, control and automation and consequences on urban water systems. 5th IWA World Water Congress – Beijing 2006, Proceedings, Paper-No. 594327, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
H. Steinmetz and J. Wiese2006Instrumentation, control and automation for full-scale sequencing batch reactor plants. 5th IWA World Water Congress – Beijing 2006, Proceedings, Paper-No. 595007, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
J. Simon, J. Wiese and H. Steinmetz2006A comparison of continuous flow and sequencing batch reactor plants concerning integrated operation of sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants. 5th IWA World Water Congress – Beijing 2006, Proceedings, Paper-No. 605572, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China
J. Wiese and J. Simon2006Dynamic simulation of an existing WWTP and a combined sewer system - Description of the modelling procedure. Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Melbourne, Australia
J. Wiese, A. Stahl and H. Steinmetz2006Application of case-based reasoning to predict sludge settling process and endogenous denitrification. 5th IWA World Water Congress – Beijing 2006, Proceedings, Paper-No. 594270, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China

Study & teaching

Current offers for students - Offers for Bachelor- and Masterthesis

Subject areas (Selection)

Wastewater treatment plant optimization (e.g. energy efficiency, phosphorus reduction)

Sludge treatment (e.g. digestion, dewatering)

Energy and raw material recovery from wastewater/sludge

Sewer operation (e.g. wastewater pumping stations)

Simulation of wastewater treatment plants

Industrial wastewater

 If you have any questions, please contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese (

Completed Thesis


Master thesis

Analysis of the sludge dewatering operation data from the Magdeburg-Gerwisch wastewater treatment plant using data mining methods

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herr Jose Antonio Simancas Suarez (Master Water Engineering)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
  • Partner: Stadtwerke Magdeburg GmbH
  • Fertigstellung: 06/2022


Conceptual Framework for Agricultural Wastwater Irrigation in Vietnam under consideration of environmental effects and public health

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herr Patrick Knerlich (Master Water Engineering)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
  • Fertigstellung: 06/2022


Assessement of Types , Methods, Regulations and Removal Technologies for Micropollutants in Wastewater in Europe

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herr Inekwe Goziechukwu (Master Water Engineering)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, MSc. Mónica Vergara Araya
  • Fertigstellung: 2022



Konzept zur Niederschlagswasserbeseitigung für die Fa. TSR Recycling (Niederlassung Magdeburg)

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herr Florian Wille (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022

Bachelor thesis

Entwurf eines Schwammstadtkonzeptes in der Mariginalsiedlung "Chacarita Alta" in der paraguayischen Hauptstadz Asunción

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herrn Ramon Leube (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, M.Sc. Monica Vergara
  • Fertigstellung Oktober 2022


Vergleich von unterscheidlichen Versuchsaufbauten für die Bestimmung der Gasproduktion im Batchbetrieb

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herrn Alberto Mazzeo (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung Oktober 2022


Prüfung des Einsatzes regenerativer Energien in der CRONIMET Environtec GmbH

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herrn Max Raesch (Bachelor REM)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung Oktober 2022


Überlegungen zum Einsatz von Case Based Reasoning zur Erkennung der Zulaufbelastung einer SBR Kläranlage

  • Bearbeitet durch: Frau Kim Julia Chabrowski (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022


Analyse des Trinkwasserauf bereitungsprozesses am Beispiel des Wasserwerks Drackendorf

  • Bearbeitet durch: Frau Nadja Kläring (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022


Untersuchung der biologischen Abbaubarkeit nach Zahn-Wellens von verschiedenen Abwässern der Kläranlage Magdeburg/Gerwisch

  • Bearbeitet durch: Frau Anna Radcenko (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022

Neubetrachtung der abwassertechnischen Infrastruktur im Stadtteil Andershof der Hansestadt Stralsund

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herr Richard Neitmann (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022

Einfluss von verschiedenen aufschließenden Verfahren auf die Nährstoff-rücklösung im Überschussschlamm

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herr Zain Edeen Akash (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022

Analyse der Kläranlage Staßfurt zwecks Ermittlung der Rückbelastung aus der anaeroben Schlammbehandlung

  • Bearbeitet durch: Frau Isabel Peters (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022

Vorarbeiten zur Einführung eines Katasters zwecks Umsetzung des DWA-Arbeitsblattes A 102 bei der Halleschen Wasser und Stadtwirtschaft

  • Bearbeitet durch: Frau Hanna Kraus (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022

Vorarbeiten zur Entwicklung eines Programms zur Berechnung der pH-Wert-Korrektur bei Mischung der Reinwässer im Wasserwerk Langenau

  • Bearbeitet durch: Herr Fabian Zuger (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Fertigstellung: 2022

2020 and 2021

Master thesis

Untersuchungen zur weitergehenden Abwasserbehandlung über membranbasierte Filtrationsverfahren zur Spurenstoffentfernung

  • Responsible: Mr. Henning Oeltze (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Axel Wolfram MSc.
  • Completion: November 2021

Überprüfung und Optimierung der Mindestaufhärtung im laufenden Aufbereitungsprozess am Beispiel der Fernwasserversorgung Südsachsen

  • Responsible: Mrs Charlotte Brendel (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  •  Completion: November 2021

Evaluation of the use of lignite powder as adsorbent material for wastewater pollutants

  • Responsible: Mrs. Tina Lupsan (Master Water Engineering)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Mónica Vergara MSc.
  • Completion: January 2021

Techno Economical Analysis of Hydrothermal Carbonization as an Alternative Sewage Sludge Treatment Process in New Zealand

  • Responsible: Mr. Fabian Hoffmann (Master Wasserwirtschafft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2021

 Preparations for the commissioning of a half-scale test biogas plant

  • Responsible: Mr. Lucas Albrecht (Master Water Engineering)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
  • Completion: 2021

 Concept of dosage of operational resources in consideration of the effect of seawater

  • Responsible: Mrs. Azin Poursadri (Master Water Engineering)
  • Supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Mónica Vergara MSc.
  • Completion: January 2021

Begleitung einer Gewässerrestaurierung am Beispiel der Großsander Wettern in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg

  • Responsible: Mrs. Nadja Brucks (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2021

Experimental Studies of the treatment performance of a vertically moving biofilm system and the application potential in Pakistan

  • Responsible: Mr. Muhammad Sameer Ghazi (Masterarbeit an der OvGU)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Thomas Czoske M.Eng
  • Completion: 2021

Konzepte zur Reduzierung der Rückbelastung aus der Schlammbehandlung am Beispiel der Kläranlage Bad Doberan

  • Responsible: Mr. Sebastian Lange (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2021

Study and evaluation of variations in the mixing of denitrification tanks for the optimization of the performance of the WWTP Magdeburg-Gerwisch

  • Responsible: Tim Beutelspacher (Master Water Engineering)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Mónica Vergara MSc.
  • Completion: September 2020

Effect of enzymes in anaerobic sludge treatment

  • Responsible: Herr Simon Klasen (Master Water Engineering)
  • Supervisors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
  • Completion: September 2020

Untersuchungen zur Energieeffizienz der Kläranlage Burg bei Magdeburg

  • Responsible: Marcel Großmann (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: September 2020

Untersuchungen zur Energieeffizienz der Kläranlage Bad Ems

  • Responsible: Herr Daniel Plischka (Masterarbeit, Universität Koblenz)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Dezentrales Klärschlammverbrennungskonzept für den AV Holtemme-Bode

  • Responsible: Herr Fengqing Li ((Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Hydraulic simulation of the sewer system of the municipality of Hermaringen

  • Responsible: Herr Josef Krenns (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Konzeption einer naturnahen Behandlung der Abwässer der Deponie DKI Fahrsleben

  • Responsible: Frau Andritzke (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: March 2020

Schlammentsorgungskonzept für die Gemeinde Flieden

  • Responsiblein: Frau Mahret (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: March 2020

Energieeffizienz Trinkwasseranlagen der Stadt Oranienburg

  • Responsible: Herr Robert Krebs (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Optimierung der Kaskadendenitrifikation auf dem Klärwerk Magdeburg-Gerwisch

  • Responsible: Frau Anne Linn Ahlers (Master Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Bachelor thesis

Vorarbeiten zur Einführung eines Katasters zur dezentralen Niederschlagswasserversickerung im Landkreis Stormarn

  • Responsible: Schirin Lipschütz (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2021

Analyse von Bestandsanlagen zur Niederschlags- und Mischwasserbehandlung am Beispiel des TAV Börde

  • Responsible: Mr. Joe Köhler (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2021

Umstellung von aerober auf anaerobe Schlammstabilisierung am Beispiel der Kläranlage Blankenburg

  • Responsible: Mr. Johannes Langer (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2021

Untersuchungen zur Energieeffizienz der Kläranlagen Kläden und Osterburg

  • Responsible: Herr Philipp Christ (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: September 2020

Bläh- und Schwimmschlamm auf der Kläranlage Halle

  • Responsible: Frau Elisabeth Kruse (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Konzeption einer Membranversuchsanlage im Labormaßstab

  • Responsible: Herr Moritz Kranz (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Untersuchungen zur Energieeffizienz der Kläranlagen Wittenberge

  • Responsible: Herr Florian Wille (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Überlegungen zur Implementierung eines Fettabscheiders auf der Kläranlage Magdeburg Gerwisch

  • Responsible: Herr Mirko Woszczyk (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Pulveraktivkohledosierung zur Spurenstoffentfernung am Beispiel der OWA Tegel (Berliner Wasserbetriebe)

  • Responsible: Herr Tobias Schmidt (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Analyse verschiedener Probenahme und Probenaufbe reitungs konzepte für Mikroplastik im Abwasser der Kläranlage Hillersleben

  • Responsible: Herr Henning Oeltze (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Fremdwasseranalyse für das Kanalnetzes der Stadt Halle a.d. Saale

  • Responsible: Frau Vanessa Weilepp (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: 2020

Energetische Analyse der Wasserversorgungseinrichtungen der Stadt Niesky

  • Responsible: Frau Brendel (Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft)
  • Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese
  • Completion: March 2020

2018 and 2019

Master thesis

Testing of a pilot plant for the treatment of waste water from pulp production by electrochemical oxidation
Responsible: Mr. Nahrstedt (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2019

Potential analysis for a control of the sewer network of the city Halle an der Saal
Responsible: Mr. Taugnitz (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2019

Investigations into the optimisation of energy efficiency at the WWTP Schwerin
Responsible: Mr. Egger (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2019

Structured evaluation of operating data for optimization of deammonification
Responsible: Mrs. Rübsam (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2019

Critical consideration of biofilms for wastewater treatment with reference to the pilot plant in Gerwisch 
Responsible: Mr. Mark-Philipp Weber (Master Water Engineering)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: February 2019

Concepts for the treatment of wastewater from a dairy using the example of Milchwerke "Mittelelbe" GmbH
Responsible: Mrs. Jana Manecke (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: February 2019

Analysis of the wastewater treatment plant of the EMMTEC industrial park with special focus on phosphorus elimination and phosphorus recovery (EMMTEC Netherlands)
Responsible: Mr. Florian Ristau (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Investigations to optimize energy efficiency using the example of the Hillersleben wastewater treatment plant (AV Unter Ohre, Haldensleben)
Responsible: Mr. Dennis May (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Optimization approaches for the Prettin wastewater treatment plant (MAWAG, Wittenberg)
Responsible: Mrs. India Temple (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Investigation of the wastewater transfer system of the drainage area Sülzetal with regard to an optimization and the creation of disposal alternatives (TAV Börde)

Responsible: Mr. Schumacher (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Phosphorus re-dissolution and recovery from excess sludge using the Magdeburg-Gerwisch sewage treatment plant as an example

Responsible: Mr. Christoph Bövers (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Hydraulic, structural and technical analysis of the wastewater pumping stations in the disposal area of the Nuthe-Urstrom valley
Responsible: Mrs. Jessica Kutzko (Master Water Management)    
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Energetic analysis and optimization of the drinking water and wastewater plants of TEW Servicegesellschaft mbH in the Biopharmapark Dessau
Responsible: Mr. Kurt-Florian Scharfe (Master Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Treatment of wastewater and organic waste from sugar cane industry
Responsible: M. ElGharbawi (Master Water Engineering)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Implementation of a demand-oriented sewer system cleaning concept as an example for the community of Windeck
Responsible: T. Rupprecht (Master Water Engineering)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Investigation on the ultrasonic disintegration in the sludge treatment process of the treatment plant Magdeburg/Gerwisch with the aim of intensifying the anaerobic sludge stabilization
Responsible: R. Grabowski (Master of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Bachelor thesis

Comparison of different drainage concepts for the schoolyard of the primary school "Am Pechauer Platz" in Magdeburg
Responsible: Mr. Preuß (Bachelor Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2019

Conversion from aerobic to anaerobic sludge stabilization using the Rodenbach wastewater treatment plant as an example
Responsible: Mrs. Anne Mahret (Bachelor Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Hydraulic and technical aspects of the management of the wastewater pumping stations in the catchment area of the Staßfurt wastewater treatment plant (Abwasserverband Bode-Wipper)
Responsible: Mr. Marcel Großmann (Bachelor Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Preparatory work for a concept to maintain the operation of the wastewater treatment plants of the water association "Saale-Fuhne-Ziethe" in the event of a power failure lasting several days
Responsible: Mr. Max Lankau (Bachelor Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Introduction of an energy management system for the treatment plants Parey and Tucheim with the aim of energy optimization
Responsible: S. Hecker (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Disruptions to the ecosystem "soil" caused by fire-fighting foams
Responsible: A. L. Ahlers (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

Intensification of sewage sludge dewatering on the wastewater treatment plant Leinetal through the use of high voltage systems

Responsible: P. Gaßmann (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2018

2016 and 2017

Master tehsis

Optimization of the phosphorus removal of the sewage treatment plant Stadtallendorf-Kirchhain
Responsible: R. Beck (Master of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Optimization of nutrient elimination on the example of the wastewater treatment plant Rübeland

Responsible: D. Dietrich (Master of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Primary reduction measures for sulfur oxides and hydrogen chloride in the combustion of fully dried sewage sludge in fluidised beds
Responsible: L. Kauer (Master of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Influence of metals on the phosphor solubility of various phosphorus rich wastes
Responsible: V. Son (Master of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Influence of sewage sludge drying technology on the noxious gas formation behavior of nitrogen oxides in fluidized bed combustion

Responsible: F. Hirschfeld (Master of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Optimization of the sludge digestion mode of the sewage treatment plant Magdeburg-Gerwisch
Responsible: A. Bönecke (Master of Water Management)
Supervisors: Prof. Dr.   Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann
Completion: 09/2016

Floating body technology method - new development of a wastewater treatment process in Cuba
Responsible: T. Czoske (Master of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann
Completion: 09/2016

Fate and behavior of microplastics in a wastewater treatment plant
Responsible: M. Keitz (Master of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann
Completion: 10/2016

Planning the acceptance test of electrodialysis of a dairy treatment plant
Responsible: Ch. Leipold (Master of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 09/2016

Optimization of the phosphorus removal of the sewage treatment plant Stadtallendorf-Kirchhain
Responsible: R. Beck (Master of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 10/2016

Optimization of a wastewater treatment plant in Datong, China
Responsible: Yuan Xi (Master of Engineering Ecology)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Schmidt, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann
Completion: 09/2016

Development of a waste collection and recycling concept for the city of Holguin, Cuba

Responsible: H. Mkrjan (Master of Engineering Ecology)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr.   Gerke, Dipl.-Ing. K. Neumann
Completion: 04/2016

Investigations on the influence of temperature during the thermophilic operation of biogas plants on the process stability and the methane yield
Responsible: S. Bartsch (Master of Engineering Ecology)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gerke, I. Seick, M.Sc.
Completion: 02/2016

Investigation on the efficient recovery of phosphates from excess sludge
Responsible: P. Soisson (Master of Water management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2016

Bachelor thesis

Status and challenges of phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge and sewage sludge ashes in the national and international context
Responsible: P. Bövers (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Conversion from aerobic to anaerobic sludge stabilization using the example of the Hoppenwalde sewage treatment plant

Responsible: M. Müller (Bachelor of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Conversion from aerobic to anaerobic sludge stabilization using the example of the wastewater treatment plant Hecklingen
Responsible: R. Egger (Bachelor of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Sources of microplastics entries in drain water and rainwater

Responsible: R. Kraut
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Planning and design of a wastewater treatment plant for the Amppipal Community Hospital in Nepal
Responsible: A. Krenz (Bachelor of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Planning and preparation for the construction of a sewage treatment plant with submerged fixed bed on the University of Holguin / Cuba
Responsible: O. Kaiser (Bachelor of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Investigation to optimize energy efficiency in the field of recovery at the treatment plant Halle-Nord
Responsible: F. Taugnitz (Bachelor of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Optimization of the phosphate elimination on the example of the treatment plant Silstedt
Responsible: V. Weber (Bachelor of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Creation of a rainwater harvesting concept on the Campus of Holguin University "Oscar Lucero Moya" in Cuba

Responsible: C. Pilzecker (Bachelor of Water Management):
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 2017

Potenzialanalyse zur energetischen Optimierung ausgewählter Kläranlagen der Verbandsgemeinde Emmelshausen
Responsible: Mrs. Heike Koslov (Diplomarbeit, Universität Koblenz)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wiese
Completion: 2016

Conception of a pipe-in-pipe vacuum drainage system for the rehabilitation of a local sewage system
Responsible: Geyer (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 05/2016

Modernization of the sludge treatment concept for the wastewater association Gardelegen
Responsible: L. Kauer (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 05/2016

Optimization of surplus sludge thickening of the sewage treatment plant Magdeburg-Gerwisch
Responsible: Manecke (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 11/2016

Phosphorus recovery potential from surplus sludge of the sewage treatment plant Magdeburg / Gerwisch
Responsible: F. Ristau (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. Neumann
Completion: 05/2016

Optimization of magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitation on a dairy plant
Responsible: J. Rübsam (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 06/2016

Condition monitoring of sewage pumping stations using the example of Hamburg Wasser
Responsible: L. Stollberger (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese
Completion: 05/2016

Optimization of the phosphorus elimination concepts of the Wastewater Association freigericht
Responsible: L. von Marschall (Bachelor of Water Management)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wiese, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 06/2016

2010 - 2015

Design of control and regulation of the C / N ratio in the inflow of the biology of a sewage treatment plant
Responsible: Daniel Lehmann (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013

Feasibility study for anaerobic sludge treatment in a wastewater treatment plant 30.000 PT
Responsible: Benjamin Köhler (Master)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, MSc. Ingolf Seick
Completion: 2013
Planning and design of a conventional sewerage system for two sectors in Gibara, Cuba
Responsible: Adrian Gischke, Florian Fischer (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013

Impact of the change in legislation of the Sewage Sludge Ordinance on sewage sludge disposal in Saxony-Anhalt
Responsible: Christian Brack (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013

Planning of a sewage treatment plant for NASS using the example of Gibara, Cuba
Responsible: Konrad Heyer (Bachelor)
Supervisors: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013

Planning of a conventional wastewater treatment plant in the city of Gibara, Cuba
Responsible: Martin Wittekind (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013

Concept of a sewage collection and transport system taking into account novel sanitation systems in two example areas of Gibara, Cuba
Responsible: Philipp Bogdahn, Philipp Wöhner (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013

Phosphate reversal behavior of different sewage sludges
Responsible: Mathias Moser (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013
Influence of waterworks sludge on the dewatering of sewage sludge
Responsible: Johannes Walkhoff (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013

Planning a drainage system in Holguin, Cuba
Responsible: Nico Schulze (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2013

Planning of a drainage system in the location San Andres, Cuba
Responsible: Sebastian Dirks (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2012

Planning a constructed wetland pilot plant in the Caribbean (San Andres, Cuba)
Responsible: Joris Herrmann (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2012
Planning of a wastewater treatment for an example area in Holguin, Cuba
Responsible: Nick Täschner (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2012

Ecological burden in the Elbe through the discharge of the wastewater treatment plant Magdeburg and possibilities of reduction
Responsible: Stefanie Knapp (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2012

Effects of waterworks sludge in sludge treatment on wastewater treatment
Responsible: Karoline Renner (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2012

Use of soil filters for the elimination of residual contamination in the wastewater treatment process as a contribution to improving the quality of water
Responsible: Patrick Thiel (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2012

Development of wastewater quality in the inflow of wastewater treatment plants in the period from 2005 to 2009
Responsible: Cindy Höhl (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2011

Investigation of residues on the sludge production in a pilot plant for sewage treatment to optimize the wastewater treatment process
Responsible: Beate Schulze (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2011

Linking of static and dynamic models for the calculation of biogas plants
Responsible: Steven Zaenker (Master)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, MSc. Ingolf Seick
Completion: May 2011

Dynamic model for biogas plants with fermenter, post fermenter and mixing tank
Responsible: Adelheid Thürmer (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, MSc. Ingolf Seick
Completion: March 2011

Theoretical basics and practical experiments for deammonification of yellow water
Responsible: Thomas Hüfner (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2010

Study on the development of sewage sludge taxes production in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt according to quantity and quality
Responsible: Sebastian Schumann (Bachelor)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2010

Fundamentals for the modeling of biogas plants for the development of a prediction system
Responsible: Sebastian Gebhardt (diploma)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, MSc. Ingolf Seick
Completion: March 2010

until 2009

Testing, evaluation and improvement of a rotary disk reactor for wastewater treatment
Responsible: Thomas Geier, David Stach
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2009

Approach to aeration control of wastewater treatment plants
Responsible: David Mertsching
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2009
Waste treatment of the wastewater treatment plant Zerbst
Responsible: Franziska Szmais
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2009

Approach to aeration control of wastewater treatment plants
Responsible: David Mertsching (diploma)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, MSc. Ingolf Seick
Completion: March 2009

Influence, behavior and elimination of diclofenac and prednisolone in the activated sludge process for wastewater treatment involving sorption, photolysis and photocatalysis
Responsible: Katja Schübel
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2008

Utilization of waterworks sludge in the sludge treatment of the treatment plant Gerwisch of the city of Magdeburg
Responsible: Mathias Laudon
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2008

MAP separation from excess sludge from municipal wastewater treatment
Responsible: Su Nan
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2008

Performance comparison of biochemical wastewater treatment processes used in North China and the city of Baoding
Responsible: Yijie Guo
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2008
Use of carbon sources in wastewater treatment

Responsible: Jens Rieser
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2008

Degradation behavior of selected pharmaceutical residues in sewage sludge humification 
Responsible: Arian Otto
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2008

Risk minimization of the drinking water supply to the city of Rostock
Responsible: Karsten Scholz
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2008

Feasibility study of a biogas plant in Porta Westfalica
Responsible: Peter Rittrich (diploma)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, MSc. Ingolf Seick
Completion: October 2007

Investigation into the behavior and fate of diclofenac within a wastewater treatment plant in the activated sludge process
Responsible: Daniel Brandt
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2007

Use of carbon sources to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants

Responsible: Mathias Blum
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2007

Application of ecotoxicological test methods to active pharmaceutical ingredients involving different treatment methods for substance elimination
Responsible: Ina Brennecke (Master)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2007

Use and testing of carbon sources to improve the performance of wastewater treatment plants
Responsible: Michael Gruhn, Matthias Rudolph (diploma)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, MSC. Ingolf Seick
Completion: 2007

Method development, adsorption behavior and elimination processes of selected drug residues and their metabolites
Responsible: Diana Weigl
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2006

Import operation and Optimization of a semi-technical pilot plant for wastewater treatment
Responsible: Sebastian Hantschmann
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2006

Analysis, modeling and simulation of a pilot plant for sewage treatment for education and training
Responsible: Alexander Brinkhoff (diploma)
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, MSc. Ingolf Seick
Completion: May 2006

Behavior of medicinal products and their metabolites in a laboratory test plant after the activated sludge process
Responsible: Andreas Steffen
Supervisor: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Kuhn, Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann
Completion: 2005


Teaching offers

Main topic of teaching

[Translate to English:]

Bachelor Wasserwirtschaft:

  • Wastewater collection and transport
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Sludge treatment

Master Wasserwirtschaft:

  •  Operation of wastewater plants
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Industrial wastewater treatment
  • Energy efficiency on environmental plants

Bachelor Recycling und Entsorgungsmanagement:

  • wastewater technology


In the framework of the Summerschool Vietnam 2022

  • Basics for wastewater treatment and introduction into wastewater teratment technologies (Prof. Wiese)
  • Nutritional substitution through wastewater (K. Neumann)
  • Water reuse and technologies (K. Neumann)
  • Aproaches Water Reuse-closing material cycles (K. Neumann/ Prof. Harbach (HS Hof)

In the framework of the  "Kompetenzzentrum für Stoffstrom- und Ressourcenwirtschaft"

  • Further education event: Wastewater treatment: near natural processes, smal wastewater treatment plants and industrial wastewater (March 2018)
  • Further education event: Brewery waste water treatment II . Bucanero, Kuba (March 2018)
  • Further education event Brewery waste water treatment. Bucanero, Kuba (March 2017)
  • Summerschool Waste management": Organischer Abfallbehandlung II  Los residuos orgánicos II. Universdad de Holguín, Kuba (March 2017)
  • summerschool Waste management":: Organic waste treatment I  Los residuos orgánicos I. Universidad de Holguín, Kuba (Novembre 2016)
  • Summerschool Waste management":Basics of waste management. Universidad de Holguín, Kuba (March 2016)


Nws -archive

News Archive

New Member in our team

We welcome our new colleague Anna Radcenko. She is responsible as a project engineer in the WAutonom project.More information see "Research & Projects"


Wastewater Treatment Plant Neighborhood Day of the WWTP-Neigborhood 3 from LV North-East at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal

On 27.09.2022 the sewage treatment plant neighborhood day of the WWTP-Neigborhood 3 of the LV North-East took place at the university. In addition to technical presentations, there was also an exchange of experiences between the participants. Furthermore, the wastewater and hydraulic engineering laboratories of the WUBS department could be visited.

 Congratulations to Professor Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese for the 2021 Research Award!

The Research Award 2021 has been awarded to Professor Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese.More information here

New in our team since August 1, 2022

M.Eng. Jose Antonio Simancas Suarez joined our team on August 1, 2022. He after the successful completion of the Masters Water Engineering is a research associate in the two third-party funded projects "DryRivers" und I"nSchuKa".

1 Summerschool "Sustainable environmental technologies" in Vietnam at the Industrial University Ho Chi Minh City ended

From July 11 to Jui 21, 2022, the first summer school, sponsored by the DAAD, took place in Vietnam. 25 participants from several Vietnamese universities took part. Together with Dr. Harbach from Hof University of Applied Sciences, the program consisted of lectures and excursions as well as practical exercises on the topics of wastewater, water reuse and aquaculture systems. In addition, there were cultural joint highlights such as a karaoke evening and a boat tour through Ho Chi Minh City.

SCIENCE TALK Podcast Folge

Prof. Jürgen Wiese was invited to the podcast "Science talk" to talk about his work at the university, the different projects of the research group, renewable energies and his interesting career.
Listen to the Podcast-Folge hier.

As a student 1 year free membership at the DWA - Interested?

mor information hier:  Seite!


Congratulations to Professor Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese for the 2021 Research Award!

The 2021 Research Award was presented to Professor Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese.
Mehr Informationen hier


Doctoral Center Environment and Technology

In addition to bachelor's and master's degrees, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences will in future also be able to award doctoral degrees in natural sciences and engineering as well as in social sciences, health sciences and economics.

read more´here

Archive - Events with our presence

Events in our presence

Day of the wastewater master 29.11.2023 in Neubrandenburg; DWA LV Nord-Ost

Wastewater 4.0 - digitalization at wastewater treatment plants
Lecture by Prof. Wiese

IT -A user meeting 2023 of the company HST-Systemtechnik, 9.11.2023 in Jena

Resilience in wastewater technology - challenges and opportunities
Lecture Prof. Wiese

Basic course for sewage treatment plant operators, SBH Nordost GmbH, Magdeburg, 26 and 27.10.2023

Lectures on sludge treatment, indirect discharge, wastewater types and composition
Kirstin Neumann

Altmarkliebe Festival

The sponge city principle - a concept for the Altmark?
Lecture Prof. Wiese

Phosphorus elimination in the north-east; 07.06.2023 University of Rostock; DWA LV Nord-Ost

Examples of precipitant optimization - control, dosing, automation
Lecture Prof. Wiese


 IWA World Water Congress 11.-15-September 2022

Our Workgroup is represented with two poster contributions. M.Eng. H. Oeltze with a poster on results of the project NAPOLY and Mrs. M.Sc. M. Vergara with a joint poster on resukts of the project PIRAT.


1st Summer School "Sustainable Environmental Technologies" in Vietnam at Industrial University Ho Chi Minh City is finished.

From July 11 to Jui 21, 2022, the first summer school, sponsored by DAAD, took place in Vietnam. 25 participants from several Vietnamese universities took part. Together with Dr. Harbach from Hof University of Applied Sciences, the program consisted of lectures and excursions as well as practical exercises on the topics of wastewater, water reuse and aquaculture systems. In addition, there were cultural joint highlights such as a karaoke evening and a boat tour through Ho Chi Minh City.

Pictures: Go to Projects

27. SIMBA-Treffen

4 May 2021, Online event. Presentation Mrs. Vergara: „Einsatz der Simulation zur Optimierung der Stickstoffelimination auf einem chinesi-schen Großklärwerk“


Veranstaltung des Wassertag e.V. (Landesgruppe Bremen, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt)

27 April 2021. Presentation Prof. Wiese: „Energieeffizienz auf Kläranlagen“


IE Expo Shanghai, Trade fair for environmental technology

20 - 22 April 2021  Hybrid event. Online Presentation Mrs. Vergara: “Dynamic Modelling of wastewater treatment plants as a tool to improve operation and energy consumption”


DGMT Stakeholder Dialog 2021 Multiresistente Keime im Abwasser und Oberflächengewässer – Was tun?

02. Und 03. March, Online event


Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Extraktion und Membrantechnik

04 and 05 February 2021. Online event. Poster Herr Wolfram: Hybridmembranen zur Entfernung von Mikroverunreinigungen


Trinkwassertagung Sachsen-Anhalt

15 October 2020, BDEW Landesgruppe Mitteldeutschland, Magdeburg
Vortrag Herr Wolfram/Wiese: Elimination von Spurenstoffen mit Layer by Layer beschichteten keramischen Membranen


29. Magdeburger Abwassertage, Magdeburg
17th - 18th September 2020. DWA Landesverband Nord, Magdeburg

Presentation Prof. Wiese: Verminderung der Phosphoremissionen aus Kläranlagen – Praxiserfahrungen mit 2- und 3-Punkt-Fällkonzepten


Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Membrantechnik

17th - 19th February 2020. Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Freising

Poster Mr. Wolfram: Forschungsprojekt Napoly



Tag des Abwassermeisters des DWA-Landes-verbandes Nord-Ost

Presentation Prof. Wiese: Energieoptimierung anhand zweier Praxisbeispiele

20th November 2019. Neubrandenburg

Workshop „Klimaschutz in Sachsen-Anhalt“

Presentation Prof. Wiese: Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Klimaschutz

20th November 2019. FEZ GmbH, Magdeburg


43. Hochschulgruppe Simulation Integrierte Modellierung  (HSGSim) Treffen

25th - 26th October 2019. Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover


VIII. yearly meeting of the INVECA Network (Network of Chilean researchers in Germany)

10th - 11th October 2019. TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg


Statuskonferenz CLIENT II 2019

Internationale Partnershaften für Nachhaltige Innovationen

17th - 18th September 2019. Umweltforum, Berlin

PIRAT-Systems Poster


28. Magdeburger Abwassertage Seminar

12th - 13th September 2019, DWA Landesverband Nord, Magdeburg


Abwasser 4.0 - Abwasserwirtschaft im Wandel – Datenverarbeitung, IT-Sicherheit, Technische Möglichkeiten

29th August 2019, BEW Essen

Presentation Prof. Wiese:

"Überblick zum Thema Digitalisierung in der Abwasserwirtschaft",

"Kanal 4.0 – Daten, Daten, Daten!"


13. Rostocker Bioenergieforum

13th and 14th June 2019 at the Rostock University


12th Biogas Innovation Congress 2019

21th and 22th May 2019, Osnabrück


26th SIMBA Users Meeting

14th and 15th May 2019, Merseburg

Presentation Seick: „Modellierung des Wärmemanagements zum ThermoFlex-Verfahren für Biogasanlagen“


42th Hochschulgruppe Simulation (HSG) Meeting

4th to 6th April, Magdeburg


FlexForum des Flexperten-Planernetzwerks auf der energy decentral

November 15th 2018, Hannover

Presentation Seick: „Neues aus der Forschung: ThermoFlex – Nachgärer als Wärmespeicher"


13. UFT-Akademie „Entwässerungssysteme und Regenbecken: Konzeption, Gestaltung, Betrieb“

October 25th 2018,  Barleben

Presentation Wiese: „Instandhaltung von Abwasserpumpen und Rührwerken“


7. Fachtagung Biogas „Mehr Geld mit Biogas verdienen – so geht‘s“

October 25th 2018, Biozentrum Halle

"Projekt ThermoFlex – Nachgärer als Wärmespeicher"


eLearning & Distance Education: Co-Digestion of Organic Waste on Wastewater Treatment Plants and Biogas Plants

July 25th 2018, Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management 2018, Hellenic Open University, Patra, Griechenland


19. Nachwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz (NWK)

June 5th - 6th, Hochschule Anhalt, Köthen

Poster T. Czoske


IFAT Worldwide fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management

May 14th -18th  2018, Munich

at the joint stand "Research for the future" Hall 6 A303 / A316

"Water and waste management in transition - shaping the interdisciplinarity with new approaches"


DWA-Seminar: Instandhaltung und Sanierung von Kanälen und Leitungen

March 21th 2018, Magdeburg- Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg


9. Biogastagung in Verden: „Die neue Düngerverordnung meistern und an den kleinen Schrauben drehen!

March 7th 2018, Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen, Niedersachsenhof Verden


More events:

DWA Veranst


 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Wiese

phone.: +49 391  886 4373


Introduction of the professorship

Short description of the professorship

Office: House 6, Room 2.12


Dipl.-Ing. Kirstin Neumann

phone: +49 391 886 4267


Office: House 6, Room 0.10


You can also find us in:

LinkedIn: Abwassergruppe Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal

Instagram: @abwassergruppe.h2.magdeburg

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Podcast Folge Abwasser: hier

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Further information about us

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Institut für Wasserwirtschaft und Ökotechnologie (IWO)


Offers for Thesis (Master or Bachelor)

more information  "study & teaching"

Free Membership of the DWA for students (1Year)

Infos here

Events with our presence

DWA North-East - Day of the sewage treatment plant operator 27.11.2024

Lecture Prof. Wiese - “Phosphorus elimination”

WaWi in dialog - “Wastewater” 27.11.2024

Symposium “Energy efficiency of water management plants” in Magdeburg 13.11.2024

Lectures by Prof. Wiese - “Wastewater 4.0” and “Energy efficiency of water management plants”

Magdeburg Wastewater Days 06.09.2024

Lecture Prof. Wiese - “Project RECYBA”

DWA North-East seminar “Phosphorus elimination in the North-East” 04.06.2024

Lecture Prof. Wiese - “Phosphorus elimination”

WaWi in dialog - “Wastewater” 24.04.2024

DWA - Practical seminar “Operational faults at wastewater treatment plants” March 20, 2024

Lecture Prof. Wiese

Unitechnics on Tour - guest at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences February 21, 2024

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