Late Summer School

The Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences would like to give you, as a new student at our institution, a good start to your studies by offering a Late Summer School two weeks prior to the beginning of the winter semester in Magdeburg.

It combines preparation courses for your studies, information events, project work and fun.

Please note: The full information is currently only available in German.

Times and Dates

The Late Summer School 2024 will take place from 16 to 28 September 2024 in Magdeburg.

  • The courses usually start at 9:15 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m.


The Late Summer School is addressed to German and international students who would like to begin their studies in the winter semester at the following departments:

  • Engineering / Industrial Design
  • Social Work, Health and Media
  • Water, Environment, Construction and Safety
  • international exchange students of ALL courses of study


The Late Summer School runs for a total of two weeks in Magdeburg. On the first day you will be welcomed and will receive an introduction to the courses.

Of course, there will be enough time for things like apartment hunting and visits to the authorities, too.

International exchange students will be awarded 3 ECTS credits for participating in the intensive German language course and passing the final exam.

Aktuelle Informationen und Programmänderungen/ current information and programm changes

Aktuelle Hinweise, z.B. Programmänderungen auf einen Blick.

Current information, e.g. program changes

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Joint program points and other offers

Joint activities for students of all study programmes

see more


Hier finden Sie das Programm der Late Summer School am Standort Magdeburg für jeden beteiligten Fachbereich im Überblick.

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Zur Einstimmung finden Sie hier einige Impressionen und Präsentionen aus den letztjährigen Late Summer Schools.

mehr erfahren


For regular students

Programm coordinator

Alexandra Schröder

Tel.: (0391) 886 43 89


For Incomings

International Office

Julia Krumm

Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 41 19

Fax: +49 (0) 391 886 42 53



Please note!

We would like to point out that during the welcome event and the leisure activities, photos and videos will be taken by authorized persons. These recordings are used for information and advertising purposes on the Internet and in print media as well as for reporting. There is no entitlement to remuneration. By attending the event, you agree to the use of the recordings unless you expressly object.

Hintergrund Bild