Late Summer School

Fit for university? Refresh your knowledge. Make friends. The Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences would like to give you, as a new student at our institution, a good start to your studies by offering a Late Summer School two weeks prior to the beginning of the winter semester in Magdeburg.The participants of the Late Summer School are supervised by students from higher semesters, who support them with questions and provide guidance. All courses are held in German except of the Chat GPT workshop and the information events of the International Office and the international Career Service
Late Summer School 2025 15.09.-27.09.2025
More information for the coming Late Summer School (LSS) will be avalable as of May/June.
Exchange students have to contact the International Office if interessed in participating the LSS.

For degree seeking students
Programm coordinator
Alexandra Schröder
Tel.: (0391) 886 43 89

For exchange students (incomings)
International Office
Julia Krumm
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 41 19
Fax: +49 (0) 391 886 42 53
Please note!
We would like to point out that during the welcome event and the leisure activities, photos and videos will be taken by authorized persons. These recordings are used for information and advertising purposes on the Internet and in print media as well as for reporting. There is no entitlement to remuneration. By attending the event, you agree to the use of the recordings unless you expressly object.