Current Information and News

Current information and news as well as possible programme or room changes are announced here. So please check back here regularly!

Changes to programme and room schedules

What has changed?

You can find the room details for the respective preparation courses in the current programme plans. At this point we will only inform you about important changes.

Mensa Card

Purchase of Mensa-Card with proof of enrolment required

Participants can purchase Mensa cards to use the Mensa during the Late Summer School. The Infopoint in the foyer of the Mensa will open for this purpose.

Proof of enrolment certificate is required. A deposit of 10 euros in cash will be charged for the card. We recommend that you also have cash ready for the first top-up.

Event Meeting Points

WHAT starts WHERE and WHEN?

Meeting points for the events from the supporting programme

  • Welcome/Opening
    Monday, 16.09.2024, 10 am (Einlass ab 9 Uhr)  Meet at: Campus Magdeburg, Breitscheidstraße 2, 39114 Magdeburg, Haus 15, Audimax
    sess Campus plan

    The participants then go in groups to the respective lecture halls and seminar room.

  • Get to Know Bowling Event
    Tuesday, 17.09.2024, 4 - 6 pm
    Meet at: Bowl and Fun , Lemsdorfer Weg 27, 39112 Magdeburg
  • Bicycle Tour
    Saturay, 21.09.2024, 10 am
    Meet at: FEZ Breitscheidstr. 51, 39114 Magdeburg, bring your bike
  • Dance and Walk
    Tuesday, 24.09.2024, 3:30 pm
    Meet at: Mensa, House 15
  • Blacklight Minigolf
    Wednesday, 25.09.2024, 5 pm
    Meet at: Neomingo, Am Fuchsberg 18, 39112 Magdeburg

  • Final BBQ Event
    Thursday, 26.09.2024, 5 pm
    Meet at: on the meadow in the park behind house 1, near KuKo Frösi
Hintergrund Bild