Late Summer School Programme

The Late Summer School combines various preparatory courses, information and counselling services and leisure activities at the university and in the city of Magdeburg for first-year and exchange students.

The study preparation courses are the main focus of the Late Summer School 2024 and usually take place on site at the Magdeburg campus from Monday to Friday, from 9.15 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. and sometimes from 1.30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m.

Programme Overview

Here you can download the complete plan

Complete Plan Late Summer School 2024

Programme and Room Plans

Incomings / International Exchange Students

Programme of the Late Summer School 2024 for all international exchange students

Programme schedule coming soon

Department of Engineering and Industrial Design (IWID)

AI Engineering, Electrical Engineering (also dual), Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Systems Engineering, Human-Technology Interaction, Industrial Design and Industrial Engineering and Management

Programme of the Late Summer School 2024 for all first-year students of the above-mentioned Bachelor's degree programmes in the IWID department

Programme schedule coming soon

Department of Social Work, Health and Media (SGM)


Programme of the Late Summer School 2024 for all first-year students of the Bachelor's degree programme in Journalism

Programme schedule coming soon

Health Promotion and Management, Social Work, Sign Language Interpreting and Language and Communication in Organisations

Programme of the Late Summer School 2024 for all first-year students of the Bachelor's degree programmes in Health Promotion and Management, Social Work, Sign Language Interpreting and Language and Communication in Organizations (General study preparation course: 1st week: project management, 2nd week: either MS Word/MS Excel or Studying Successfully -Academic Writing) NOTE: Places are limited to 15 participants per course!

Programme schedule coming soon

Department of Water Environment, Construction and Safety Division (WUBS)

Civil Engineering (also dual), Safety and Security, Recycling and Waste Management and Water Management

Programme of the Late Summer School 2024 for all first-year students of the WUBS department 

Programme schedule coming soon

General Study Preparation Courses (Project Management, Word/Excel, Studying Successfully - Academic Writing)

General study preparation course schedule

First-year students on the Health Promotion and Management, Social Work, Sign Language Interpreting and Language and Communication in Organisations degree programmes for whom no subject-specific preparatory course is offered can take part in the general preparatory course. However, other interested first-year students, e.g. of Industrial Design, who do not wish to take a maths course, can also opt for the general course plan. In the first week, we have planned the topic of project management. In the second week,  interested students can choose between a Word/Excel course or the course Studying successfully - academic writing. NOTE: Places are limited to 15 participants in each case!

Programme schedule coming soon


You can register for the Late Summer School 2024 at Magdeburg campus from August 2024 on this platform.

Incomings who want to participate in the Late Summer School 2024, get in contact with Julia Krumm from the International Office as of July 15. E-mail:


For degree seeking students

Programm coordinator

Alexandra Schröder

Tel.: (0391) 886 43 89


For exchange students (incomings)

International Office

Julia Krumm

Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 41 19

Fax: +49 (0) 391 886 42 53



Please note!

We would like to point out that during the welcome event and the leisure activities, photos and videos will be taken by authorized persons. These recordings are used for information and advertising purposes on the Internet and in print media as well as for reporting. There is no entitlement to remuneration. By attending the event, you agree to the use of the recordings unless you expressly object.

Hintergrund Bild