„Late Summer School 2024“ Registration

Please inform yourself about the courses and events of the Late Summer School before registering online.

After your registration, you will receive the corresponding admission/payment request by e-mail. This may take a few days.

Your registration is binding upon receipt of admission. Please note that cancelling your registration after admission does not release you from paying the fee due.

Late Summer School EN

Please fill out the form

Please choose from the supporting activities! I would like to participate in the following events

Privacy Policy I agree that my data will be collected for the event organisation of the Late Summer School at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and processed by means of automated IT. The university will use all data obtained exclusively for the purpose of organising the event (e.g. name badges, participation lists, invoicing) and will not pass it on to third parties and will delete it after the event. I can revoke my consent in writing at any time. In this case, my data will be deleted immediately.

I hereby register bindingly for the „Late Summer School 2024“. Participation in the Late Summer School is subject to a fee.

The basic fee for participating in the Late Summer school is 60 Euro. If you take part in the *Get to Know Bowling* there will be charged 12 Euro extra. If participating in the event *Blacklight Mini Golf* there will be charged 10 Euro extra.

Contact person

For degree seeking students students

Programm Coordinator

Alexandra Schröder

Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 43 89

E-Mail: lss@h2.de

Hintergrund Bild