Department of economics visits partner university German Jordanian University (GJU)

At the end of November, Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog, Prof. Dr. Torsten Heitjans, Prof. Dr. Beate von
Velsen-Zerweck und Doreen Lucht from the department of economics visited the German Jordanian
University, with the objective of exchanging information about cooperations projects and getting to
know the GJU on site.
On November 27, 2022, a welcome meeting was held with the Deanship of Innovation, Technology
Transfer, and Entrepreneurship (DI-TECH), Dr. Nidal Al Shwawreh. The focus was on the planning of
workshops on entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the representatives of the department were given
insights into the labs of DI-TECH and the School of Applied Technical Sciences (SATS).
An important milestone of the visit was the planning of the joint master's program "Entrepreneurship
and Innovation Management" with Prof. Safwan Altarazi, Dr. Nidal Al Shwawreh, Prof. Aiman Al-Share,
Prof. Raid Al-Aomar and Dr. Fadwa Dababneh. After numerous online meetings, the working group
was able to deepen the content in face-to-face meetings and exchange ideas about the framework of
the program. The planned master's program is a strategically important project as well for the
department as for the university and has a high significance for the partnership.
In addition, a meeting took place with the President of the GJU, Prof. Ala'aldeen Al-Halhouli as well as
the GJU Vice President Prof. Reiner Finkeldey. They once again emphasized the strategic importance
of the master’s program and were open to questions of funding and implementation.
Furthermore, the colleagues were represented with a stand at the 10th Career Fair on 30.11.22 on the
campus of the GJU, which was very well attended by the Jordanian students. The students had the
opportunity to inform themselves about the " Deutschlandjahr", the individual study programs,
doctoral opportunities and internship offers at the German job market.
An interesting aspect for the study program "Sustainable Business Administration" is also the
cooperation of the GJU with the company Siemens aiming at a "Smart and Sustainable Campus". Here,
the delegation of the Department of Business attended the “Signing Ceremony” between Siemens
Middle East (represented by Franco Atassi, CEO Smart Infrastructure) and the GJU in the presence of
several Jordanian ministers.
(published on 14.12.2022)