Leadership and Committees
Are you looking for someone to speak to or would you like to get involved yourself with the development of and activities in the Department?
Office of the Dean
The Office of the Dean is responsible for managing the ongoing business of the department. Among other things, the most important tasks of the Office of the Dean include:
- organisation and securing of the teaching programme on the basis of the study and examination regulations,
- formulation of proposals for further developing the department and its service offering,
- implementing the resolutions of the departmental council.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian-Toralf Weber
Tel.: +49 (0)391 886 4150
Fax: +49 (0)391 886 4123
E-Mail: christian-toralf.weber@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 10, Room 2.29

Vice Dean of Studies and Teaching
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Ueberschär

Vice Dean of Research and Technology Transfer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Doerner

Department Manager
Dipl. Ök. Cornelia Scholz

Departmental Quality Management Officer
Dipl.-Ing. Kay-Uwe Bender
Departmental Council
The Departmental Council is the collegiate decision-making body in the Department. Among other things, it takes decisions concerning
- study and examination regulations
- securing the teaching programme
- the submission of quality assurance proposals to the Office of the Rector
- the setting of priorities and the coordination of research projects
- proposed appointments
Boards of Examiners
Primarily, the job of the board of examiners is defined by the Study and Examination Regulations for the study programmes. The most important activities include:
- setting the relevant examination dates for written and oral examinations,
- organising the examinations and ensuring that they are held,
- appointing the examiners and assessors,
- where necessary, participating in the holding of examinations,
- ensuring that the stipulations of the study and examination regulations are adhered to,
- approving second repeat examinations and deadline extensions for Bachelor’s and Master’s theses,
- checking the accreditation of prior periods of study, credits awarded and examinations passed, plus
- decisions in appeal procedures.
Board of Examiners for Electrical Engineering
Board of Examiners for Human-Technology Interaction
Board of Examiners for Industrial Design
Board of Examiners for Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering
Board of Examiners for StREaM
Senate Committee
The following members of the department are represented on the Senate Committee:
Kommission für Haushalt und Liegenschaften
Stimmberechtigte Mitglieder
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schwarzenau, Institut für Elektrotechnik
E-Mail: dieter.schwarzenau@h2.de - Cornelia Scholz
E-Mail: cornelia.scholz@h2.de
Kommission für Studium und Lehre
Stimmberechtigtes Mitglied
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Ueberschär, Institut für Elektrotechnik
E-Mail: olaf.ueberschär@h2.de
Stellvertretendes Mitglied
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Berndt, Institut für Maschinenbau
E-Mail: michael.berndt@h2.de
Kommission für Internationale Angelegenheiten
Stimmberechtigte Mitglieder:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. John-Glen Swanson, Institut für Maschinenbau
E-Mail: john-glen.swanson@h2.de.de - Katja Eisenächer
E-Mail: katja.eisenaecher@h2.de
Als stellvertretendes Mitglied:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Ludes, Institut für Elektrotechnik
E-Mail: reinhard.ludes@h2.de
Kommission für Forschung, Entwicklung und Technologietransfer
Stimmberechtigte Mitglieder
- Prof. Dr. Ing. techn. Sebastian Hantscher, Institut für Elektrotechnik
E-Mail: sebastian.hantscher@h2.de - Peter Rauschnbach
E-Mail: peter.rauschenbach@h2.de - Hagen Fehse
E-Mail: hagen.fehse@h2.de
Als stellvertretende Mitglieder
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Doerner, Institut für Elektrotechnik
E-Mail: steffen.doerner@h2.de - Anja Müller
E-Mail: anja.mueller@h2.de
Kommission für IT- und Mediendienste
Stimmberechtigte Mitglieder
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Holger Schanz, Institut für Maschinenbau
E-Mail: holger.schanz@h2.de - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Steindorff, Institut für Maschinenbau
E-Mail: konrad.steindorff@h2.de - Ronald Brauner
E-Mail: ronald.brauner@h2.de
Kommission für Hochschulsteuerung und -marketing
Als stellvertretendes Mitglied
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Auge, Institut für Elektrotechnik
E-Mail: joerg.auge@h2.de
Kommission für Weiterbildung
Stimmberechtigtes Mitglied
- Prof. Dominik Schumacher, Institut für Industrial Design
E-Mail: dominik.schumacher@h2.de
Departmental Equalities Officer
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Anja Müller
The Equalities Officer gives out a welcome rucksack for students with children who have embarked upon a course of studies. You can find information about this here.
Departmental Internationalisation and ECTS Officer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. John-Glen Swanson
Conflict Management Officer
Dipl. Ök. Cornelia Scholz