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ICAA Library – DATA Archer Tongue Collection
The ICAA Library – DATA Archer Tongue Collection is a joint project of the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA) and the German Archive for Temperance and Abstinence Literature (DATA). Both institutions have pooled their stocks of literature. The purpose of this co-operation is assisting and promoting young people who want to do research on alcohol.
Responsible body and site is the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal.
Our stock is supposed to be substantial help for students and scientists studying and working at our university. Students can be given help when laying out a thesis, a term paper, a presentation or an article.
The library is open to everybody. That’s why, people from outside the institution are welcome, too. Feel free to inform, search, read and write, please.
Just turn to us! The special collection is situated within the main library of the university. All literature is available for you on our premises. Some of the old books are in a rather bad condition – so you cannot take them home. But you can work with us and use our infrastructure. Therefore, we are creating an easy access to our stock via a catalogue.
1999 | The University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal receives a substantial stock of literature on the German Temperance Movement. |
2000 | Founding year of the German Archive for Temperance and Abstinence Literature (DATA), the responsible body being University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal and Associated Institute MISTEL. |
2001 | Start of a promotion period by the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs of the federal country Saxony-Anhalt. |
2003 | A team of up-and-coming scientists working on the German Temperance Movement is established. |
2004 | The International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA) decides to hand over its stock of literature to DATA. The books had been collected by the heads of the organization over decades. In particular, Dr. Archer Tongue (1919 – 2006) had contributed to establishing the organisation’s "library" for working purposes. |
2005 | The stock of ICAA literature, also called Archer Tongue Collection (see 2004), is transported from Lausanne (Switzerland) to Magdeburg (Germany). |
2006 | Founding year of "ICAA Library – DATA" in Magdeburg, and of a team of up-and-coming scientists, named "European Alcohol Cultures". |
2008 | Celebratory opening of the special collection on alcohol and drugs literature at University of Applied Sciences in Magdeburg. |
2009 | The first two doctoral theses are successfully defended at German universities. They had been supported by ICAA Library – DATA. |
2010 | The volume Karl Wassenberg/Sabine Schaller "Der Geist der Deutschen Mäßigkeitsbewegung - Debatten um Alkohol und Trinken in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart" is published as a series book within "Magdeburger Reihe der Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal" (publishing house: Mitteldeutscher Verlag/MDV). |
2011 | On 30th and 31st May, again our Symposion Drogenforschung (Symposium Drug Research) was successfully held during the Federal Drug Congress (FDR) in Berlin. Six experts introduced their latest research results in the field of alcohol and drugs. |
2012 | In May, our Symposium Drug Research took place at the Federal Drug Congress (FDR) in Bremen. Three experts introduced their latest research results in the field of alcohol and drugs.
The head of the Library Dr. Sabine Schaller (historian) is doing research on the issue of association based addiction prevention (alcohol) in the Prussian province capital Magdeburg in the 19th century and until 1933. The historic inventory of ICAA Library - DATA is a helpful resource for her research. |
2013 | In May, our Symposium Drug Research was held at FDR Congress in Dornach near Munich. |
2014 | In May, our Symposium Drug Research was held at the FDR Congress in Cologne. Five experts introduced their latest research results. In autumn 2014 a new volume within „Magdeburger Reihe“ of University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal was released by the publishing house Mitteldeutscher Verlag: Sabine Schaller: Blaukreuzmänner, Guttemplergeschwister und abstinente Frauen. Vereinsbasierte Alkoholprävention in Magdeburg vom ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis 1933. Eine Betrachtung aus der Geschlechterperspektive (264 pp.) More information |
2015 | In April, our Symposium Drug Research took place in Hannover. Experts Introduced their latest research results in the field of alcohol and drugs. |
2016 | In April, our Symposium Drug Research took place in Werder/Havel near Potsdam. Five experts introduced their latest research results in the field of alcohol and drugs.More information |
Chances for young scientists
Are you working on alcohol and drugs, preferably in the fields of humanities and social sciences?
You can make use of the literature and the infrastructure of our institution. Furthermore, you will be participating in our exchange of information with scientists of different backgrounds.
These are some of the subjects we suggest exploring:
- Biographical processes and addiction theories
- History of alcohol
- European alcohol cultures
- Drinking style and regional background
- Courses of civilization and alcohol
- Youth cultures and substance abuse
- Gender related aspects of consumption and addiction
Symposion Drogenforschung (Symposium Drug Research)
The Symposium Drug Research is a two day event organised by ICAA Library – DATA and Associated Institute MISTEL. It is part of the German annual congress by Fachverband Drogen und Suchthilfe e. V. (FDR). Between three and six experts introduce their research works and discuss results with the audience.
Archer Tongue

Archer Tongue
1919 - 2006
Archer Tongue was Executive Director of the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA) from 1952 until 1990, when he was succeeded by his wife, Eva.
Archer Tongue was, first and foremost, a family man. There was his immediate family: his wife and his six daughters, but there was also another, much larger family, consisting of scientists, scholars, researchers, clinicians, therapists, government officials, international civil servants and volunteers from around the world. These were the many people who actively participated in ICAA congresses and institutes, and who were drawn into a process of endless debate on the nature of the relationship between alcohol and society. Archer Tongue brought these two families together. For those fortunate enough to have been invited to the villa in Lausanne that was both his house and his office, dinner could consist of simultaneous conversations in several languages - with a biochemist from Chile about the importance of genetics, with a Swedish sociologist about the history of the Scandinavian temperance movement, and with his daughters about their homework assignments. Surrounded by one of the world's most extensive libraries on alcohol and grateful for the hospitality that always seem to extend to a room for the night, it was difficult not to look upon Archer, at the head of the table, as the benign father of all civilized discourse. Equally, at an ICAA conference, Archer could be found surrounded by people in a corner of the lobby. Same of their problems might have to do with the logistics of the meeting, but most were about significant issues of alcohol science and policy, where different constituencies had firmly held, but apparently irreconcilable views. Eva attended the conferences too, making it all happen, assisted by some of their daughters. Archer would listen, modestly offer suggestions, and turn to the next problem. Once again, as his two families mingled, he was in his element.
Archer Tongue was born in Birmingham, UK, in October 1919 and received his BA in history from the University of London. Although he initially went into business, he soon took a job as Secretary of the Friends Temperance Union. Indeed, his first experience of congress organization was preparing the World Congress of Friends in Oxford in 1952. He went straight from there to Paris, where the 24th International Congress on Alcoholism was taking place, and from there he went directly to take up his duties in Lausanne. He was to go on to organize international conferences on alcohol and alcoholism in countries around the world - more conferences than it would be possible to list.
ICAA was founded in Stockholm in 1907 and it is indeed a sad irony that his death should have occurred just one year short of the centenary of the organization, which rose to such prominence under his leadership.
From his early contacts with E. M. Jellinek, who worked with WHO in the 1950s, Archer Tongue remained a source of wisdom and experience to whom international organizations would repeatedly turn for advice. His relationship with WHO was especially important, including numerous consultancies and Expert Committees, hut he also forged important links with ILO and with the UN drug control bodies in Vienna.
There are few people working internationally on alcohol issues who do not have cause to remember Archer Tongue with admiration and with gratitude. The conferences organized by ICAA under his guidance were for years the most vibrant intellectual meeting places available to alcohol researchers and practitioners. They were not, it is fair to say, consistently of the highest scientific quality. But it was one of Archer's most firmly held beliefs that his conferences should be inclusive, that all those who had something interesting to say should have an opportunity to say it, whether or not the methodology was impeccable and whether or not it was politically expedient. In true Quaker spirit, Archer was deeply opposed to any kind of fundamentalism.
His ICAA, like any good family, was a place where you could speak your mind without fear that you would be rejected. This is not to say that he lacked intellectual rigour. Far from it. A conversation with Archer Tongue was always something from which you would come away impressed by his erudition and breadth of experience. It was simply that he was reluctant to judge - either people or ideas. Like any good diplomat, he would offer suggestions and encourage the discussion in what he thought was the most productive direction, but he never took the view that anybody should be excluded from the discourse. If the point of it all was to help develop international alcohol policy, supported by the broadest range of evidence and experience, Archer certainly saw that process as a collective responsibility.
Finally, it is Archer Tongue's overwhelming tolerance that persists. In a field that certainly has its share of conflicts, his was always a voice of reason and a voice of compassion. Archer took profound satisfaction in the divergent views of his many, many family members, around his hearth and around the world.
Marcus Grant