Prof. Dr. Kateryna Fuks
Research and Teaching Interests
- environmental epidemiology
- cardiovascular disease
- ageing
- air pollution
- ambient noise
- non-ionising radiation
10/2021 to present | Professor of Environment and Health |
2019 – 2021 | Research Associate, Radiation Epidemiology and Risk Assessment, Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Oberschleissheim |
2017 – 2019 | Postdoc, Research Group “Environmental epidemiology of lung, brain and skin aging”, IUF – Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Düsseldorf |
2016 – 2017 | Postdoc, Research Group “Environmental Epidemiology”, the Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, Center for Health and Society, the Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf (Germany) |
2014 | PhD, Faculty of Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen (magna cum laude) |
2011 – 2016 | PhD candidate, Research Group “Environmental Epidemiology”, IUF – Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Düsseldorf |
2009 – 2011 | PhD candidate, Research Group “Environmental Epidemiology”, the Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, the University Hospital Essen |
2008 | Consultant, the research project of KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation (the Netherlands) at the National Tuberculosis Centre, Almaty (Kazakhstan) |
2008 | Intern, Patients for Patient Safety Secretariat at the World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland) |
2007 – 2008 | M. Sc. Public Health (MPH), Specialization Epidemiology, the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Maastricht University (the Netherlands) |
2006 – 2008 | M.A. Health Care Management (MPH), School of Public Health of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv (Ukraine) and the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Maastricht University (the Netherlands) |
2002 – 2006 | B. Sc. Biology, The Faculty of Natural Sciences, the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv (Ukraine) |
Articles, peer reviewed
- Pophof B, Burns J, Danker-Hopfe H, et al. 2021. The effect of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on cognitive performance in human experimental studies: A protocol for a systematic review. Environ Int; 157:106783.
- Altug H, Fuks KB, Huels A, et al. 2020. Air Pollution is Associated with Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Women with Cognitive Impairment. Environ Int; 136, 105448.
- Schikowski T, Wigmann C, Fuks KB, et al. 2020. Blutdruckmessung in der NAKO – methodische Unterschiede, Blutdruckverteilung und Bekanntheit der Hypertonie im Vergleich zu anderen bevölkerungsbezogenen Studien in Deutschland. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz; 63(4): 452-64.
- Fuks KB, Wigmann C, Altug H, Schikowski T. 2019. Road Traffic Noise at the Residence, Annoyance, and Cognitive Function in Elderly Women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; 16, 1790.
- Fuks KB, Hüls A, Sugiri D, Vierkötter A, Goebel J, Demuth I, Krutmann J, Schikowski T. 2019. Tropospheric ozone and skin aging: results from two German cohort studies. Environment International; 124(3), 139–144.
- Fuks KB, Woodby B, Vallacchi G. 2019. Skin damage by tropospheric ozone. Der Hautarzt; DOI: 10.1007/s00105-018-4319-y.
- Hüls A, Sugiri D, Fuks KB, et al. 2019. Lentigines Formation in Caucasian Women - Interaction Between Particulate Matter and Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. Journal of Investigative Dermatology; 139, 974e976.
- Hüls A, Abramson MJ, Sugiri D, et al. 2018. Nonatopic eczema in elderly women: Effect of air pollution and genes. J Allergy Clin Immunol; 143 (1), 378–385.e9.
- Fuks KB, Weinmayr G, Basagaña X, et al. 2017. Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and Traffic Noise and Incident Hypertension in seven cohorts of the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE). European Heart Journal; 38(13): 983-990.
- Fuks KB, Weinmayr G, Hennig F, et al. 2016. Association of long-term exposure to local industry- and traffic-specific particulate matter with arterial blood pressure and incident hypertension. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health; 219(6), 527–35.
Book chapters
- Li T-G, Yang B-Y, Fan S-J, Schikowski T, Dong G-H, Fuks KB. Outdoor Air Pollution and Arterial Hypertension. Chapter in: Artis S (ed.). Blood Pressure – from Bench to Bed. 2017. ISBN 978-1-78984-272-2.

Environment and Health
Prof. Dr. Kateryna Fuks
Phone: (0391) 886 43 10
Office: House 1, Room 2.09