Qualifying Engineers in Water, Environmental and Civil Engineering

Welcome to the website of the "Qualifying Engineers in Water, Environmental, and Civil Engineering" project, abbreviated as QEGWEC. This initiative is part of the DAAD's "Profi Plus" funding program under the Campus Initiative for International Professionals. It is designed to help individuals with foreign university degrees in water, environmental, and civil engineering enter the German labor market more easily.

Apply at qegwec@wubs.h2.de


The planned course offerings for the entry of international academics aim to provide participants with the opportunity to acquire important skills in both professional and intercultural aspects, and to master the German language at the highest possible level as a crucial foundation for successful integration into the labor market.

The job entry network, which will be built from existing partnerships and practical contacts within the framework of the project, will initially serve the regional labor market. However, it will be continuously expanded and, particularly through relevant professional association contacts, will have a long-term nationwide impact.

The following project outcomes are therefore targeted: Approximately 90 project participants will have earned the university certificate, demonstrating professional competence in the fields of water management, environmental engineering, or civil engineering, as well as skills in collaboration, workplace communication, and, notably, the German language. This university certificate, in conjunction with the internationally acquired degree, forms the basis for entering the German labor market. Additionally, a job entry network, particularly for international academics and graduates of H2, will have been established, which will operate and facilitate placements on a nationwide level.

Information for Participants

Who is the Program For?

The program is designed for foreign academics with a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in water, environmental, or civil engineering that is recognized in Germany.

What to Expect

The program spans approximately five months. The initial three months are conducted online, during which you will engage in German language courses, specialized courses, and soft skills training, all crucial for entering the German job market.

Upon successful completion of the online phase, you will transition to the on-site phase in Germany. This phase begins with an interdisciplinary project, where participants collaborate in groups on practical tasks within a supportive university setting.

Program Start

The program starts twice a year. The first cohort begins in March and the second cohort begins in August.

number of participants

Yearcourse start in Marchcourse start in August




The program offers the following advantages:

  • Acquisition of German language skills, including technical engineering terminology
  • Expansion of your technical knowledge
  • Insider knowledge on employability in the German job market, enhancement of your application documents and presentation skills
  • Assistance with degree recognition
  • Practical experience
  • Contacts with potential employers
  • Individual support and counseling
  • Final certificate from the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal


Participation in the program is free of charge. The costs for the training are covered by Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, supported by the funding initiated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the "Profi Plus" program.

However, the costs for living in Germany during the in-person phase, as well as visa and flight expenses, must be borne by the participants themselves.


If you would like to apply for participation in the program, please send an email to qegwec@wubs.h2.de.

Please include the following documents in your email:

  • a motivational letter,
  • a resume,
  • if applicable, proof of acquired skills that are relevant to the program,
  • Copies of your degree certificates,
  • if available, proof of your German language proficiency.

Application deadlines:

The application deadline for the courses starting in March is 31.12.

The application deadline for the courses starting in August is 31.05.

Structure/Course Content

The program consists of two phases. It begins with a 3-month online phase, during which participants receive an intensive introduction to the German language and attend various specialized courses in the fields of water, environmental, and civil engineering. In addition to language and technical knowledge, intercultural and interpersonal skills are crucial for working in Germany. Therefore, various soft skills courses will be conducted in online formats.

Following the successful completion of the online phase, the on-site phase begins, which lasts a total of 2 months. During this time, participants will undertake company visits, interdisciplinary projects, and an internship with a potential employer.

German as a Foreign Language (DaF) courses


The online language course is conducted by the German University Online (DUO) and begins with 70 hours of intensive instruction in the first month. The language level to be achieved varies depending on the participants' starting proficiency in German, but the goal is to reach a specific level within this month.

Following the first month, there is a two-month intermediate course with 52 hours of instruction per month. During this period, another language level is to be achieved. Again, the target language level will be adjusted according to the participants' starting point.

The entire online phase mainly consists of self-learning units, supported by regular meetings with an experienced tutor.

On Site

After the completion of the online phase, the on-site phase in Germany begins. During this time, German language skills will also be further practiced and developed. To facilitate this, a German course will be held in person at the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal during the interdisciplinary project work.

No official German courses from the program will take place during the internship

field-specific courses

The specialized courses cover the following topics:

  • Water management
  • Civil engineering
  • Economics and law for engineers

Soft Skill Courses

the soft skills courses include:

  • Work safety
  • Working with regulations (DIN, DVGW, DWA)
  • Environmental protection and sustainability
  • Office software, IT skills
  • Job application training
  • Leadership
  • Rhetoric and presentation skills
  • Workplace communication
  • Intercultural competencies

Practical projects

Interdisciplinary project

Further information about the interdisciplinary project will be provided shortly.


The internship takes place with a partner within the job entry network. It lasts four weeks and is intended to lead to an employment relationship if the "matching" is successful. Optionally, the duration of the internship can be extended, depending on the situation with our practical partners.


Program Coordinator

M.Eng. Moritz Kranz

Tel.: (0391) 886 4767
E-Mail: qegwec@wubs.h2.de


M.A. Franziska Lührs

Tel.: (0391) 886 4208
E-Mail: qegwec@wubs.h2.de

This project is funded by

Funding Line: "Profi Plus" - Academic Adjustment Qualification for the German Labor Market

Approval Period: April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2028

Hintergrund Bild