Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Bachmann
Hydromechanics and hydrodynamic modelling
About me
General Information
Since September 2018 I work as Professor for Hydromechanics, Hydrodynamic modelling and Flood risk management at the Department of Water, Environment, Building and Safety (WUBS) at the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal. I studied, did my doctorate and taught at the Faculty of Civil Engineering at RWTH Aachen University (1998 - 2014). Focus of my dissertation is the development of a decision support system for the evaluation and planning of flood protection measures. Afterwards, I worked in the Netherlands at Deltares as a consulting engineer. Deltares is a global non-profit organization for applied research and consulting in the field of water, soil, and infrastructure. Now I teach and research in the field of flood risk management. I’m supported by the flood risk management working group (AG FRM).
Professional background
Time | |
since Sept 2018 | University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal Professor for Hydromechanics and Hydrodynamic modelling |
Aug 2014 -Aug 2018 | Deltares, Delft (The Netherlands) Consulting and Research Engineer at Department „Flood risk management“ |
since Oct 2016 | University of Applied Sciences Münster Guest lecturer |
Nov 2003 - July 2014 | Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, RWTH Aachen University Research Engineer |
Time | |
Oct 2005 - Apr 2012 | RWTH Aachen University, Aachen Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.), Faculty of Civil Engineering Thesis Title: „Development of a decision support system for the assessment and design of flood mitigation measures“ (in German) |
Sept 2002 - Jan 2003 | École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC), Paris |
Oct 1998 - Oct 2003 | RWTH Aachen University, Aachen |
- Since 2018 Work in public relations for the BWK
- 2017 - 2022 Work in BWK- working group „Hohe Grundwasserstände“
DWA - Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall
- Since 2019 Work in DWA-working group „Hochwasserresilienz"
- 2020 - 2022 Work (guest) in DWA-working group „Probabilistische Methoden im Wasserbau“
- Since 2023 Work (lead) in DWA-working group „Umgang mit Niedrigwasser und Austrocknung von Oberflächengewässern“
More information about me, you will find in Linkedin, at Twitter or in an extended CV.

Today, hydraulic engineering and water management have interdisciplinary requirements. Therefore, it is more important than ever to understand hydraulic processes. This is the focus of my teaching. The basics of hydromechanics take place at the bachelor studies of civil engineering, water management, and recycling- and waste management. My objective is, to create a solid foundation of theoretical principles and engineering expertise. Based on this, I want to mediate methods and solution strategies. Thus, students can cope with the future interdisciplinary tasks of water management.
For a sustainable education I try to combine state of the art with the state of science. Lectures, exercises, seminars, and tutorials are offered to the students. To deepen the content, there are also laboratory internships in our very well-equipped teaching laboratory and regular excursions. You will find some interesting videos about Hydromechanics in our YouTube-channel.
Sem. | Study | Title | SWS |
1 | BA Wasserwirtschaft | Hydromechanik I | 2 |
2 | Hydromechanik II | 4 | |
2 | Hydromechanik Laborpraktikum | 1 | |
2 | BA Recycling und Entsorgungsmanagement | Fluidmechanik I | 4 |
3 | Fluidmechanik II | 1 | |
4 | Fluidmechanik Laborpraktikum | 1 | |
3/5 | BA Bauingenieurwesen | Hydromechanik | 2 |
7/9 | Wasserbau | 2 | |
2 | BA Sustainable Resources, Engineering and Management | Hydromechanics (in English) | 2 |
1/2 | MA Wasserwirtschaft | Hydrodynamische Modellierung | 2 |
1/2 | Hochwasserrisikomanagement | 2 | |
1/2 | MA Ingenieurökologie | Angewandte Modellierung | 3 |
1/2 | MA Sicherheit und Gefahrenabwehr (Wahlpflicht) | Hochwasserrisikomanagement | 2 |
2 | MA Water Engineering | 1d-River modelling (in English) | 2 |
Alle | Fachübergreifend | Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeit | - |
Student work
Student work, like bachelor and master thesis or internships, are an important part of studying. I would be pleased to take over the supervision of your thesis. Especially in the research of flood risk management, that offers a multitude of interesting and exciting topics: hydrodynamic modelling, hydrology, dike reliability, critical infrastructures, impact-based flood prediction, sensors in dikes, damage analysis, costs of flood protection, as well as flood educational trail for communication are only a selection of possible topics. There are also many possibilities in the field of low flow management: Risk analysis, analysis of damages caused by low flow or temperature modelling in rivers are just some of them. Please contact me if you are interested in these topics or if you have already an own idea.
Selected examples of student works can be found here.
A detailed list of supervised theses can be found here:

Excursions are an important part of teaching. You can explain and deepen theory on practical examples very well. Fun should not be missing!
Currently, we are offering two excursions:
- The bike excursion “flood protection” in summer semester in the bachelor programme water management: We explore interesting and diverse flood protection measures by bike. Magdeburg gives many impressive examples that are close to the university.
- The excursion “hydraulic engineering and flood protection” in winter semester in the master programme water management: As a student of water management in Magdeburg, you should have seen the weir of Pretzien and the flood canal. Additionally, there are other interesting destinations at the rivers Elbe and Saale.

Flood protection and flood risk management are one of the most important social tasks of water management. A special challenge for me is the development of software that combines interdisciplinary approaches with classic approaches of water management. Therefore, the primary goal of my research is the development of methods and tools for flood protection and adaptive and sustainable flood risk management. You will find more information about my research in flood risk management working groupflood risk management working group and at ResearchGate.
As many of my projects are in the field of flood risk management, you can find more information on selected projects here.
Further information can be found in this project list.
Information about my publications you will find at the AG FRM, furthermore in this publication list or at ResearchGate.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Bachmann
Phone.: (0391) 886 4772
Adress: Building 6, Room 2.13