Career Center

The Career Center is a service facility of the Technology and Knowledge Transfer Center at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. Here, students can find internships, thesis projects, permanent positions and side jobs. As a service institution, the Career Center advises students on individual career options and accompanies graduates as they take their first steps into the labour market.

The main task of the Career Center is connecting science and industry.

Additionally, the Career Center is a point of contact for all representatives of companies, institutions and organisations who are searching for qualified specialists.

Job Portal of the University

In our job portal, you can find internships, thesis topics, permanent positions, part-time jobs, PhD positions as well as dual job offers.

Our portal is freely available to all students, interested parties and employers.

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The Career Center advises and supports students as well as graduates in the transition to work life. As a link between science and industry, we support the search for jobs, internships, thesis projects and job offers.

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Career Fair "Firmenkontaktmesse"

By organising the yearly career fair in Magdeburg, the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and the Career Center aim to connect employers and students as early as possible.

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Job Portal "Nachwuchsmarkt"

Current internship offers, thesis projects, trainee and PhD positions as well as graduate positions can be found at the ‘Nachwuchsmarkt’, the online job portal of Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences.

to the job portal (German only)

Tips for the application

During your studies, you can practice how to "correctly’" write an application, whether it is an application folder, an online application or an unsolicited application. There is usually no second chance for the first impression.

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Office for Regional Relations in Stendal

The Office for Regional Relations ("Büro für Regionalkontakte") – here internship office – functions as a contact point for students at the campus in Stendal. The internship office cooperates closely with the Career Center.

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Career Services for Internationals

The Career Service for Refugee and International Students advises and supports in the transition to professional life. During the semester, we organize workshops and offer personal counselling in English and German on career-relevant topics.

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Extracurricular Studies "Studium Generale"

In addition to your study-related expertise, we offer you the opportunity to acquire individual competences and skills that might be essential for your studies or your future professional career.

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Various foundations and funding agencies provide scholarships in order to fund one’s studies. Companies and institutions also support students which perform above average or do special voluntary activities.

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Career Paths

Graduates of Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences have accomplished a lot and work in various fields. In short movies, former students share experiences from their studies and provide exciting insights in their current professional fields.

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Start-up idea? Welcome!

The Start-Up and Transfer Support ("Gründer- und Transferförderung") combines all business Start-Up and transfer ideas. It is the central contact point for students, alumni and researchers of the educational institution.

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Contact Career Service

Katrin Gruschka

Tel: +49 391 886 4463
Fax: +49 391 886-4963

Visitor address: FEZ, Room 1.13

Appointments (in person or online) upon arrangement

Contact and directions

Job Portal

Exhibitor Catalog for the Company Contact Fair 2024

Application Guide "DURCHSTARTEN"

Hintergrund Bild