Career Center Online Workshop: Get Hired – Interviewing for Jobs in Germany

The last Career Center Workshop for Internationals this semester will cover the topic of Job Interviews: “Get Hired – Interviewing for Jobs in Germany”. The Workshop takes place

  • On Friday, July 15th
  • From 3:00 to 7:00 pm
  • Online via zoom (if you do not have a quiet working space with internet, you are welcome to let the Career Center know and we will organize a working space at Magdeburg Campus for you. Please still have your own laptop + microphone ready.).

More information on the workshop is available here. If you are interested in joining the interactive workshop, please register by mail to until July 12th.

Contact Career Service

Katrin Gruschka

Tel: +49 391 886 4463
Fax: +49 391 886-4963

Visitor address: FEZ, Room 1.13

Appointments (in person or online) upon arrangement

Contact and directions

Contact Career Services for Refugee and International Students

Hintergrund Bild