Sports and Health Center

At the University Magdeburg-Stendal - University of Applied Sciences - it is not only wonderful to study in the countryside, you can also choose from more than 250 sporting activities and keep fit and healthy - the best basis for successful studying and working!
Every semester, the university, together with Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, offers a diverse selection: Whether climbing, sailing, breakdancing, capoeira or Zumba - there is something for everyone.
In addition to the sports program, the Sports and Health Center offers comprehensive consultations on the topics of occupational and student health management both within and outside of class time. Whether massages, theme days or a consultation on reintegration after a long absence due to illness - contact us.

College Sports
Email: hochschulsport(at)
Phone: (0391) 886 4384 oder - 4454
Visitor address: Building 15, Room 1.09
Healthcare Management
Email: gesundheit(at)
Phone: (0391) 886 4676
Visitor address: Building 15 Room 1.07
Direct links
- Sports offer
(Attention: Enrollment only with email (students) resp. (employees) possible) - Instructor wanted
- Health consultation hours of the TK for all university members