Sports offer
College sports has a key role in promoting the development of our students. From an early age, it should motivate them to lead a health-conscious lifestyle and strengthen their own body image and personality. A wide variety of competencies are learned and tested: in addition to technical and methodological competencies, social and personal skills and abilities should be practiced. Sport not only strengthens the body, it also promotes mental health and the ability to interact socially.To this end, we offer more than 250 different sports courses every semester in cooperation with the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Whether climbing, sailing, breakdancing, capoeira or Zumba - there is something for everyone, including courses specifically for employees of Magdeburg-Stendal University. Registration for all sports courses takes place online via the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Sports Center.
Information on eligibility and fees
Note: You will leave the university's website and arrive at the SPOZ of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.
Sports courses
Sports courses in Magdeburg and Stendal
At the Magdeburg and Stendal sites, students can choose from a wide range of sports courses as well as individual and small group training.
Sports offers for employees
For employees of the university there is an additional sports offer. In addition, free places in the student courses can be booked on a priority basis.
Compact courses and workshops
The University Sports Magdeburg does not only offer a wide range of sports courses, also individual compact courses and workshops.
Registration for the sports courses
Here you can access the sports courses for students and employees, individual and small group training, compact courses and workshops.
Hall allocation plans
Whether sports hall, beach volleyball court, aerobics room or golf course: Magdeburg University Sports offers more than 80 different sports facilities.
Soccer Student League
Soccer Student League
Since the summer semester of 2013, a student league has been organized by the Sports and Health Center of the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences in the sport of soccer. The college sports program enables students interested in soccer to engage in regular sports activities in the immediate vicinity of their place of study. In addition to the integration of regular sports activities into the daily study routine and the individual physical and mental resource maintenance and build-up, the students focus on the promotion of the community and the strengthening of social contacts. Respectful interaction with each other, fairness, honesty and the joy of playing are basic requirements for the success of the student league.
- The prerequisite for participation in college sports is proper enrollment via the Internet.
- Members of the University of Magdeburg and the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences (except civil servants) are insured against accidents through their institution upon enrollment. External participants, e.g. also self-employed exercise instructors, are not insured.
- For the purpose of accident protection, the instructions of the teachers, course instructors and hall personnel must be followed. In the case of sports accidents and accidents on the way to and from work, an accident report must be made immediately (but within 3 working days at the latest). In the case of sports accidents, a transit doctor must always be consulted. Before treatment, the doctor should be informed that it is a work or school accident. Accident victims whose treatment and rehabilitation are covered by the statutory accident insurance do not need to present an insurance card.
- The course participant informs himself/herself about the specific rules of conduct in the sports facilities (sports halls, swimming pools, boathouses, riding stables, etc.) before the first exercise session and undertakes to comply with them (if necessary, observe the notices or ask the exercise instructors).
- In the case of paid sports courses, the participant undertakes to pay the fees on time (in accordance with the specific stipulations). Otherwise, the participant will be excluded from further participation. Costs already incurred are to be paid by the participant in any case.
- Money and valuables as well as clothing etc. are not insured against theft. The athlete is responsible for the safekeeping.
- Special safety regulations (waterway regulations, FIS rules or similar) will be dealt with in the respective courses.
- With the enrollment, the course participant acknowledges and confirms the points of the instruction.
Insurance coverage and liability
- Otto-von-Guericke University and Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences assume no liability for the loss of valuables in the sports facilities used by the university. We therefore strongly recommend not to bring valuables to the sports facilities or to deposit them in the lockers. In case of damage, a criminal complaint against unknown persons must be filed with the police.
- All university and college members (with the exception of civil servants, external participants and self-employed exercise instructors) are insured against accidents during university sports events in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.
- During sports trips and competitions, students and employees are no longer covered by accident insurance through the Unfallkasse Sachsen-Anhalt.
- For the correct behavior during sports and in case of sports accidents, appropriate information is given with the enrollment, which each participant must confirm when registering.
More information and document
Here you can find selected documents about college sports for download. Please note that the documents are written in German.
Liste der Durchgangsärzte Magdeburg (List of transit doctors Magdeburg)
Liste der Durchgangsärzte Stendal (List of transit doctors Stendal)
Unfallmeldebogen (Accident report)
Gebühren- und Entgeltordnung (Schedule of fees and charges)
Datenschutzbelehrung (Data protection instruction)

College Sports
Email: hochschulsport(at)
Phone: (0391) 886 4384 oder - 4454
Visitor address: Building 15, Room 1.09
Healthcare Management
Email: gesundheit(at)
Phone: (0391) 886 4676
Visitor address: Building 15 Room 1.07
Direct links
- Sports offer
(Attention: Enrollment only with email (students) resp. (employees) possible) - Instructor wanted
- Health consultation hours of the TK for all university members