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ECTS Coordinators and Internationalisation Coordinators
ECTS Coordinators
The following contains details of the ECTS Coordinators from each department. If you are planning a study-related placement abroad, please contact your ECTS Coordinator before you leave. This will make it easier for you to have the credits that you complete abroad recognised.
Functions of the ECTS Coordinators in relation to foreign study placements of German students
- provide advice on suitable host universities and courses
- where necessary carry out the selection and allocation of the Erasmus applications received, and confirm the nomination on the application form
- advise on the choice of courses with regard to subsequent recognition
- check and approve the Learning Agreement drawn up by the student
- receive the Transcript of Records issued by the host university and initiate the recognition process.
Functions of the ECTS Coordinators in relation to foreign students
- advise students on course selection before and at the start of their placement. This includes questions such as:
What subjects are offered in my field?
What exactly is taught in these subjects?
What requirements do I need to have met to take the course(s)?
Is my knowledge of German sufficient for a particular subject?
- check and approve the Learning Agreement prepared by the student.
- coordinate the return of the certificates for completed examinations as a basis for the preparation of the Transcript of Records.
- act as a central point of contact for all academic concerns, problems, etc. or refer students to other relevant contacts.
ECTS Coordinators of Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Department of Social Work, Health and Media

Leigh Love
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 42 55
E-mail: leigh.love@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 1, Room 1.15
Language and Communication in Organizations / International Technical Communication and Translation
Fabian Schwarz (Outgoing support)
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 45 06
E-mail: fabian.schwarz@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 1, Room 1.35

Sign Language Interpreting, Social Work
Prof. Dr. Ralf Lottmann
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 42 50
E-mail: ralf.lottmann@h2.de
Visitor's address: Building 1, Room 2.31

Health Promotion and Health Management / Health Promoting Organisational Development
Prof. Dr. Kateryna Fuks
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 43 10
E-mail: kateryna.fuks@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 1, Room 2.09
Department of Water, Environment, Construction and Safety

Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. René Sonnenberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 43 37
E-mail: rene.sonnenberg@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 7, Room 2.17

Safety and Hazard Defence
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Schubert-Polzin
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 49 85
E-mail: stefanie.schubert-polzin@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 7, Room 1.02

Water & Waste Management
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Petra Schneider
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 45 77
E-mail: petra.schneider@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 6, Room 2.10

Water Engineering
Marius Buschmann
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 4753
E-mail: marius.buschmann@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 6, Room 1.12

Sustainable Resources, Engineering and Management (StREaM)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Willberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 45 47
E-mail: christian.willberg@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 10, Room 2.13
Department of Economics

Sustainable business administration
Prof. Dr. Burkhard von Velsen-Zerweck
Tel.: +49 (0) 3931 2187 48 48
E-mail: burkhard.von-velsen@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 2, Room 0.01

Business Administration (dual)
Prof. Dr. oec. Beate von Velsen-Zerweck
Tel.: (03931) 2187 38 25
E-Mail: beate.von-velsen@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 2, Room 0.01

Entrepreneurial Risk Management
Dr. Jürgen Bennies
Tel.: +49 (0) 3931 2187 48 38
E-mail: juergen.bennies@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 2, Room 0.21

Business Administration (Continuing Education)
Prof. Dr. Jens-Martin Loebel
Tel.: +49 (0) 3931 2187 48 83
E-mail: jens-martin.loebel@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 3, Room 1.14
Campus Magdeburg, Building 10, Room 2.29

Business Engineering
Prof. Dr. Jonas Schäuble
Tel.: +49 (0) 3931 2187 4819
E-Mail: jonas.schaeuble@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 3, Room 0.10

Sustainable Resources, Engineering and Management (StREaM)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Willberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 45 47
E-mail: christian.willberg@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 10, Room 2.13
Department of Engineering and Industrial Design

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Willberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 45 47
E-mail: christian.willberg@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 10, Room 2.13

Business Engineering
Prof. Dr. Jonas Schäuble
Tel.: +49 (0) 3931 2187 4819
E-Mail: jonas.schaeuble@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 3, Room 0.10
Department of Applied Human Sciences

Psychology of Rehabilitation
Doreen Trümpler
Tel.: +49 (0) 3931 2187 48 46
E-mail: doreen.truempler@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 3, Room 0.13

Childhood Studies and Early Childhood Education and Care
Luisa Fischer
Tel.: (03931) 2187 48 01
E-Mail: luisa.fischer@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 3, Room 2.15
More information on the subject of ECTS is available from the European Commission.
Internationalisation Coordinators
Here you will find the respective Internationalisation Coordinators for each subject area or all departments. The Internationalisation Coordinator is responsible for the strategic internationalisation of the department.
Functions of the Internationalisation Coordinators
- They are responsible for the strategic internationalisation of the department.
- They will communicate on international matters between the department, the International Office and the International Affairs Committee (IAC).
- They are responsible for the coordination of international activities and internationalisation measures.
- They are available to the staff of the department for questions regarding international affairs.
Internationalisation Coordinators of Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Department of Social Work, Health and Media

Prof. Dr. Ralf Lottmann
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 42 50
E-mail: ralf.lottmann@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 1, Room 2.31
Department of Water, Environment, Construction and Safety

Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. René Sonnenberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 43 37
E-mail: rene.sonnenberg@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 7, Room 2.17

Safety and Hazard Defence
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Schubert-Polzin
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 49 85
E-mail: stefanie.schubert-polzin@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 7, Room 1.02

Water & Waste Management
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Petra Schneider
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 45 77
E-mail: petra.schneider@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 6, Room 2.10
Department of Economics

Prof. Dr. Torsten Heitjans
Tel.: (03931) 2187 48 02
E-Mail: torsten.heitjans@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 2, Room 0.18
Campus Magdeburg, Building 10, Room 2.1
Department of Engineering and Industrial Design

Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. John-Glen Swanson
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 45 41
E-mail: john-glen.swanson@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 10, Room 2.26

Electrical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Przemyslaw Komarnicki
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 44 92
E-mail: przemyslaw.komarnicki@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 8, Room 2.13

Industrial Design
Prof. Marion Meyer
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 45 68
E-mail: marion-j.meyer@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 9, Room 0.08
Department of Applied Human Sciences

Prof. Dr. Claudia Dreke
Tel.: +49 (0) 3931 2187 38 23
E-mail: claudia.dreke@h2.de
Visitors' address: Campus Stendal, Building 3, Room 2.09
Contact Internationalisation Coordinators

Head of International Office
Anne-Kathrin Lerke
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 44 40
E-mail: anne-kathrin.lerke@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 4, Room 2.20
Contact ECTS Coordinators

Erasmus+ Coordinator
Nancy Brosig
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 42 29
E-mail: nancy.brosig@h2.de
Visitors' address: Building 4, Room 1.02.3