Exchange Studies
Preparation and Application
Range of courses available
You will find a complete list of the study courses the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences offers here. To get detailed information about the individual courses, please click on the the course and/or on the button Departments in the navigation bar on the left and then go to the desired department/course. If you do not find the information you are looking for, please contact the International Office to have the name and address of the contact person in the department sent to you. Alternatively, you may want to browse the German pages. To do this, click on the German button left to the logo.
Language requirements
The language of instruction at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences is German.
You should make sure you have good German language skills (at least level B1 of the CEFR) before coming to study with us, so that you are able to follow lectures easily and successfully complete your coursework.
One possibility to improve your German skills is the online learning platform DUO.
Academic year/Semester dates
The academic year in Germany is split into two semesters - winter and summer.
The winter semester starts on the 1st of October and ends on the 31st of March.
The summer semester starts on the 1st of April and ends on the 30th of September.
Lecture period: Classes run from the 1st of October to around mid February in the winter semester and from the 1st of April to around mid July in the summer semester.
In the last weeks of the lecture period and in some cases also in the first weeks following the lecture period, there will be examinations.
After the examination period up to the end of the semester, there is a so-called lecture-free period (semester break) during which no classes are offered.
The Orientation week for international students is usually about seven days prior to the start of semester. As the orientation is essential for every international student, you should plan to arrive 1½ to 2 weeks before the beginning of the semester.
The most important holidays, on which no classes will be held (and shops and banks remain closed) are:
Neujahr (New Year) | January 1st |
Heilige Drei Könige (Epiphany) | January 6th |
Ostern - Karfreitag und Ostermontag (Easter - Good Friday and Easter Monday) | moveable feast; see semester dates below |
Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day) | moveable feast; see semester dates below |
Pfingstmontag (Whit Monday) | moveable feast; see semester dates below |
Tag der deutschen Einheit (German Reunification Day) | October 3rd |
Reformationstag (Reformation Day) | October 31st |
Weihnachten (Christmas) | December 25th/26th |
The current semester dates can be found here.
[Translate to English:] Mehr erfahren
1. Tuition and semester fee
Studies at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences are free of tuition fees, except for some postgraduate courses of study.
Semester fee:
Campus Magdeburg: EUR 128,40 (semester ticket for public transportation included)
Campus Stendal: EUR 145,50 (no semester ticket for public transportation available).
Please bear in mind that the semester fee needs to be paid every semester.
With your semester ticket you can use all buses and trams in Magdeburg without further costs.
2. Living expenses
The cost of living in Germany is on average comparable to most of Europe. For basic living expenses, student will need EUR 720 - 950 per month.
Some examples of living costs: (on an average basis)
Student accommodation: 200 - 600 € / month (varying from shared rooms to family apartments)
Transport: 20 - 94 € / month (depending on how far you want to travel)
Food and drinks: 150 - 250 € / month
Telephone, internet, TV: 30 - 50 € / month
Note: These examples are only intended to give an overview
Late Summer School and orientation week
Late Summer School
To get your studies off to the best possible start, the University offers the “Late Summer School” every year in September. This two-week programme combines subject-related courses as well as interdisciplinary and intercultural courses with excursions and other free-time activities.
It is an opportunity for you to familiarise yourself with the University, the campus and many of your fellow students even before your study programme begins.
Orientation week
The Orientation week for international exchange students is usually about seven days prior to the start of semester. As the orientation is essential for every international student, you should plan to arrive 1½ to 2 weeks before the beginning of the semester.
The International Office will inform you about the schedule of the orientation week via e-mail.
How to get to...
Support from student projects
Financial support
As an exchange student you can usually receive funding through your respective exchange/cooperation program. Please ask your International Office at your home university.
In cases where it is not possible to obtain funding through the program you can look at the database oft the Deutsch Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) for possible DAAD scholarships.
During and at the end of your stay
In case of illness
A head cold, cough, bicycle accident? – Here you can find out all you need to know about the German health system
In the event that you fall ill or injure yourself so badly that you require medical assistance, you can obtain treatment with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in all doctor’s practices and hospitals (for EU students). The same applies to the electronic health card that you will receive when you take out German health insurance (for non-EU students)
Search for a doctor
General practitioners and consultants for specific cases (e.g. eye specialists or gynaecologists) can be found in the database of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians
The database is only available in German, however you can refine your search on the right-hand side: by doing this you can search for physicians according to their area of specialism or by the foreign languages they speak.
Emergency telephone numbers
112 – Ambulance service and emergency doctor
In absolute emergancies such as accidents and life-threatening injuries.
116117 – Free hotline for the on-call doctor service
For example, if you are unsure whether to go to a doctor or for finding a doctor at the weekend.
+49 (0)391 627 9600 – Medico Centre in Magdeburg (Leipziger Str. 16-17)
Is open when all other doctors have already closed!
Excursions and Events
The International Office and the Buddy Programme regularly organise welcome events for international students. We also offer various excursions over the course of the semester. Information on these is available at the welcome event at the beginning of the semester and on Facebook.
Tips on events at the university can also be found here:The International Office and the Buddy Programme regularly organise welcome events for international students. We also offer various excursions over the course of the semester. Information on these is available at the welcome event at the beginning of the semester and on Facebook.
Tips on events at the university can also be found here:
Facebook-page Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences International
Facebook-page Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Learn German at the University
German courses in parallel with your studies: German as a Foreign Language (DaF)
In addition to your main course of studies the university's Communication and Media Faculty offers German language courses throughout the entire semester. Courses are available at levels A1 to C1.
More detailed information on the German course offering is available from Professor Dr. Martina Schwanke. You can also obtain ECTS credits upon successful completion of your German as a Foreign Language (DaF) course.
By re-registering you are notifying the university that you intend to study at the university in the forthcoming semester.
You must re-register every semester by paying the semester fee. This must take place within a fixed period of time. The dates are advertised on the website of the Department of Student Affairs.
Once your payment has been transferred to the relevant account, you will receive your new student ID by post. Your certificate of enrolment can be printed off via the online service for students. If you do not make payment within the specified period, you will be de-registered and cannot continue your studies.
Please note that we must have your current address in order to send you your documents. You can check and amend your address details via the online service for students.
Enrolment certificate
Jobs and Internships
All relevant information on working while you are a student is available from the web site of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
A comprehensive collection of links to miscellaneous job web sites is offered by the Career Center (DE).
Transcript of Records
The Transcript of Records will be issued by the examination office after the end of your stay at the Hochschule. It will be in English language and contain all courses that you have attended to. The original will be send to your home university by the International Office.
To get the Transcript of Records you have to hand in a course list within four weeks after the beginning of the semester to the International Office. In the list please write all courses that you are attending to, also the Late Summer School. Please make sure to use the correct title of the course, and for the language course the correct language level, e.g. GFL Vocabulary B2. The titles of the courses and the course codes can be found in the list provided by the International Office. If a course should not be in the list, please state the correct title of the course, leave the course code field blank and inform the International Office.
Checklist of tasks before departure

Julia Krumm
Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 41 19
Visitors' address: Building 4, Room 1.02.2