International Summer Schools at the Campus Stendal
Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences has been holding its International Summer School since 2000. Previously only held at the Stendal campus, in 2018 there were programmes at both study locations - Stendal and Magdeburg.
You can find a few images and memories of the 2019 summer schools here.

20 July - 07 August 2020 Summer School Stendal: language course or language coures with project week
Stendal campus - summer school programme
Flyer International Summer School for all applicants
Flyer International Summer School for applicants from the USA
From 20 July - 7 August 2020 Stendal summer school offers two different options (1 or 2) for participants to individually tailor their 3-week programme. Pick the most suitable option for you:
Programme 1
3-week intensive german course (Monday to Friday 4-6 hours)
Are you interested in an intensive Germanlanguage course? Then you can improve your German skills over a 3 week period. The participants are divided into groups based on a language test. The German lessons are run by experienced German-as-a-foreign-language teachers and take place from Monday to Friday for between 4 and 6 hours a day. Depending on the numbers taking part, weoffer German courses for beginners through to advanced learners. You will receive a certificate at the end.
Programme 2
1-week German course + 2-week pratical project for a german institution
With this programme you will attend anintensive German language course during the first week followed by a two week-long practicalproject. Knowledge of German must corre-spond to level C1.You will work on a project for a Germaninstitution in a group with other participants guided by an experienced coach. This will help you to improve your project management and team skills and gain an insight into the work and projects currently being conducted by a German municipal authority.
Please note that the two options for the Stendal summer school will only be available if a minimum number of participants for each course is reached. We will notify you of the decision by the end of April.
Who can attend the summer school in Stendal?
Students and school pupils aged 18 years or more (of full age).
Contact Summer School Stendal

Annegreth Fritze
Tel.: (03931) 2187 48 71
Fax: (03931) 2187 48 00
Visitors' Address: Building 2, Room 2.02