Studying at Partner Universities - Worldwide

Living and working abroad for a period of time is a dream for many students. A study visit to a partner university outside of the EU facilitates a change of perspective, helps students to develop linguistically, socially, culturally and in terms of subject knowledge as well as to expand their own professional prospects to include an international dimension.

Below is everything you need to know if you wish to apply for a study visit to one of our partner institutions worldwide.

Application deadlines

For stays in the 2025/26 winter semester or the 2025/26 academic year: 31 January 2025

For stays starting in the 2026 summer semester: 31 July 2025

Partner universities - worldwide

The following partner universities in non-EU countries offer study places for students of Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences. You can find out whether the study programme of your choice meets your subject requirements and expectations on the relevant website under “course catalogue” or “academics”.

In addition to the universities mentioned below, there are further partnerships at departmental level. The departments provide information on these on their own web pages under the International Affairs (Internationales) tab.

Your ECTS Coordinator will be able to answer any questions you may have about the courses offered at the partner universities and about the recognition of credits obtained there.

Overview of partner universities

Overview of all partnerships


Application deadlines
  • For stays in the 2025/26 winter semester or the 2025/26 academic year: 31 January 2025
  • For stays starting in the 2026 summer semester: 31 July 2025

Please note:

The semester dates at the foreign universities generally differ from our own and often begin in January or February and August.

Important notice:

Due to maintenance work, the application portal is currently not available. Applications for stays beginning in the spring/summer semester 2026 will presumably be possible again from 1 July 2025.

Additional documents that must also be uploaded to the application portal
  • Certificate of proficiency in your main language of instruction at the host university of your choice (see also below).
  • Students studying in an English-taught study programme do not need to submit a language certificate for English. In this case, please upload a blank document instead of the language certificate.
  • Please note that Communications students must also submit a language certificate.
  • Detailed curriculum vitae in tabular form with information on other foreign language skills, study interests and focal areas, as well as commitments and interests outside of your studies (in German or English)
  • Letter of motivation (about 1 page), explaining why you would like to study in the chosen country and at the chosen university (personal and professional reasons) and how you are preparing for the study visit (in the main language of instruction at the chosen host university or in English)
    The letter of motivation should be addressed to your ECTS Coordinator, as he or she will review your application and assign it to the appropriate host university. If you have indicated more than one choice of host university in your application (2nd and 3rd priority), you should also briefly justify these university preferences.
  • Current overview of grades from the online student service.
    You do not need to have this overview confirmed by the Examination Office.
    Students who are in the 1st semester of a Bachelor's programme at the time of application may submit the grade overview by 15 May (with a corresponding delay for applications for the summer semester).
    Students who are applying before or during the first semester of a Master's degree should submit the last grade overview from the Bachelor’s programme.
  • Current certificate of enrolment

Please note:

These application documents remain at the university and will not be forwarded to your host university. If you have any questions regarding the application documents, please attend an advice session (see info column on the right) or make another appointment for advice in the International Office. We will be happy to help you.

How to obtain a language certificate

If you are currently taking an appropriate foreign language course at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, you can have the course instructor issue you with a certificate. The language certificate should contain information about your proficiency in the main language of instruction at the host university. A form that can be used for this purpose can be found here:

Language Certificate Form

If you have a language certificate such as TOEFL, DELE or similar, that was issued not more than 2 years ago, you can also submit this with your application. 

All students who do not fall into the above groups may take an English, French or Spanish language test at the Berlitz Language School in Magdeburg. The test costs 55 euros. You will be given a receipt, which you can then submit to the International Office at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences for reimbursement.

Please make an appointment in advance:

Berlitz Sprachschule
Hasselbachplatz 3
D-39104 Magdeburg
Tel.: +49 (0)391 541 4688

For reimbursement, please submit the following application, an invoice plus proof of payment or the receipt for the language test fees. Proof of the reason for the language certificate is also required. The application for a study place itself, or reference to an existing application, will serve as proof.

Request for language test reimbursement

In Stendal, Angret Zierenberg, English lecturer and coordinator of foreign language training at the Stendal site, and Ms Bianca Weber, teacher of ABWL/Business English, will also issue you with a language certificate using the above-mentioned form.

After application

At Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences: 

  • The ECTS Coordinators make a selection from the applications received and assign the applicants to the respective partner universities. The main selection criteria are: academic performance, motivation and language skills
  • The International Office nominates the selected applicants to the partner universities within six to eight weeks after the application deadline.
  • The partner universities decide (on the basis of a separate application, see below) who will be admitted to the programme.
  • All accepted students receive - in around March/April - detailed information from the International Office or directly from the host university.

In the case of applications for a later start to the period of study abroad, this procedure applies with a corresponding time delay.

At the host university: 

After the nomination (see above), in most cases the host university will contact the applicants directly. It is then necessary to reapply directly to the host university. The host university will advise you how to do this and by when.

Note: Please be aware that the application documents that you submit for the selection process at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences will not be forwarded to the host universities. You will have to apply there again separately.

If you do not receive a message from the host university in time for the nomination, it would be advisable to look for the relevant information yourself on their website or, in case of doubt, to contact the International Office there. If at this point you are still unable to obtain any information at all, please contact the International Office at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences.

The application information almost always includes information on how to find accommodation in the host country.

During and after the end of the course: 

During and after the end of your study abroad programme, you will still need to submit an outward journey confirmation, a certificate of completion and a final report. You will be given further information about this before the start of your trip. After completion of your studies abroad, you will receive a Transcript of Records (Zeugnis) from your host university about your academic achievements abroad, which forms the basis for their recognition at your home university.

Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement is a key document for your study visit and the basis for the future recognition of your academic achievements abroad. It lists the courses that you will take at the host university and how they will be recognised upon your return and will be signed by you, your ECTS Coordinator and a representative of the host university.

Please use the current form from the International Office of Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences for this.


Language Certificate

Official Transcript

Learning Agreement

Request for language test reimbursement

The certificate of completion of a study visit abroad can be found on the website of the Department of  Student Affairs.


Julia Krumm

Tel.: +49 (0) 391 886 41 19

Visitors' address: Building 4, Room 1.02.2

complete staff

Access to the mobility portal

for registered students

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