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- Das Bewerbungsschreiben (Workshop)
Application Seminar for Refugee and International Students
Instructor: Julia Gerbig
Date: 09.05.2022, 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
Registration: until 06.05.2022 via the registration form
Language: English (Questions in German are always welcome)
Format: Online via Zoom
About the Workshop
This Online-Workshop will help you understand the basics of applying to German companies and organisations. This session is going to focus on formulating an effective cover letter and CV, but also on analysing and interpreting job offers. We will also discuss certain values German employers are looking for in an applicant. (This not only requires a basic knowledge of how to correctly formulate your cover letter and CV, but also an understanding on how to analyse and interpret job offers and what German employers value in an applicant.)
The theoretical input of this workshop mixed with practical exercises is designed to provide participants with an overview of:
- Applying for a job in German
- Writing a Cover Letter and CV in German
- Understanding Job Offers
- Email-writing in German and necessary attachments
Conditions of participation
- Your registration is binding.
- Should you not be able to attend, please inform us immediately, at the latest two days before the scheduled date of the training.
Contact for questions
Ulrike Marquardt
Career Services for Internationals
Tel.: +49 391 886 4996
Mail: ulrike.marquardt@h2.de
„Career Starters“ wurde bis zum 31.12.2023 gefördert aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes im Rahmen der Programmlinie Integra.


Ulrike Marquardt
(zur Zeit nicht an der Hochschule)
Tel: +49 391 886 4996
Fax: +49 391 886-4963
E-Mail: ulrike.marquardt@h2.de
Besucheradresse: FEZ, Breitscheidstr. 51, Raum 1.13
Termine (präsenz oder online) nach Vereinbarung